• G. Mias Lab »
  • Categorization functions

    Submodule pyiomica.categorizationFunctions

    Example of use of a function described in this module:

     # import the package and its mudule Categorization functions
     import pyiomica as pio
     from pyiomica import categorizationFunctions as cf
     # Location of this example data
     dir = pio.ConstantPyIOmicaExamplesDirectory
     # Unzip sample data
     with pio.zipfile.ZipFile(pio.os.path.join(dir, 'SLV.zip'), "r") as zipFile:
     # Process sample dataset SLV Hourly 1
     dataName = 'SLV_Hourly1TimeSeries'
     saveDir = pio.os.path.join('results', dataName, '')
     dataDir = pio.os.path.join(dir, 'SLV')
     df_data = pio.pd.read_csv(pio.os.path.join(dataDir, dataName + '.csv'), index_col=[0,1,2], header=0)
     cf.calculateTimeSeriesCategorization(df_data, dataName, saveDir, NumberOfRandomSamples = 10**4)
     cf.clusterTimeSeriesCategorization(dataName, saveDir)
     cf.visualizeTimeSeriesCategorization(dataName, saveDir)

    One of the figures generated by visualizeTimeSeriesCategorization is shown below:

    Cannot load this photo

    Categorization functions


    calculateTimeSeriesCategorization(df_data, ...)

    Time series classification.

    clusterTimeSeriesCategorization(dataName, ...)

    Visualize time series classification.

    visualizeTimeSeriesCategorization(dataName, ...)

    Visualize time series classification.

    calculateTimeSeriesCategorization(df_data, dataName, saveDir, hdf5fileName=None, p_cutoff=0.05, fraction=0.75, constantSignalsCutoff=0.0, lowValuesToTag=1.0, lowValuesToTagWith=1.0, NumberOfRandomSamples=100000, NumberOfCPUs=4, referencePoint=0, autocorrelationBased=True, calculateAutocorrelations=False, calculatePeriodograms=False, preProcessData=True)[source]

    Time series classification.

    df_data: pandas.DataFrame

    Data to process

    dataName: str

    Data name, e.g. “myData_1”

    saveDir: str

    Path of directories poining to data storage

    hdf5fileName: str, Default None

    Preferred hdf5 file name and location

    p_cutoff: float, Default 0.05

    Significance cutoff signals selection

    fraction: float, Default 0.75

    Fraction of non-zero point in a signal

    constantSignalsCutoff: float, Default 0.

    Parameter to consider a signal constant

    lowValuesToTag: float, Default 1.

    Values below this are considered low

    lowValuesToTagWith: float, Default 1.

    Low values to tag with

    NumberOfRandomSamples: int, Default 10**5

    Size of the bootstrap distribution to generate

    NumberOfCPUs: int, Default 4

    Number of processes allowed to use in calculations

    referencePoint: int, Default 0

    Reference point

    autocorrelationBased: boolean, Default True

    Whether Autocorrelation of Frequency based

    calculateAutocorrelations: boolean, Default False

    Whether to recalculate Autocorrelations

    calculatePeriodograms: boolean, Default False

    Whether to recalculate Periodograms

    preProcessData: boolean, Default True

    Whether to preprocess data, i.e. filter, normalize etc.




    calculateTimeSeriesCategorization(df_data, dataName, saveDir)

    clusterTimeSeriesCategorization(dataName, saveDir, numberOfLagsToDraw=3, hdf5fileName=None, exportClusteringObjects=False, writeClusteringObjectToBinaries=True, autocorrelationBased=True, method='weighted', metric='correlation', significance='Elbow')[source]

    Visualize time series classification.

    dataName: str

    Data name, e.g. “myData_1”

    saveDir: str

    Path of directories pointing to data storage

    numberOfLagsToDraw: int, Default 3

    First top-N lags (or frequencies) to draw

    hdf5fileName: str, Default None

    HDF5 storage path and name

    exportClusteringObjects: boolean, Default False

    Whether to export clustering objects to xlsx files

    writeClusteringObjectToBinaries: boolean, Default True

    Whether to export clustering objects to binary (pickle) files

    autocorrelationBased: boolean, Default True

    Whether to label to print on the plots

    method: str, Default ‘weighted’

    Linkage calculation method

    metric: str, Default ‘correlation’

    Distance measure

    significance: str, Default ‘Elbow’

    Method for determining optimal number of groups and subgroups




    clusterTimeSeriesClassification(‘myData_1’, ‘/dir1/dir2/’)

    visualizeTimeSeriesCategorization(dataName, saveDir, numberOfLagsToDraw=3, autocorrelationBased=True, xLabel='Time', plotLabel='Transformed Expression', horizontal=False, minNumberOfCommunities=2, communitiesMethod='WDPVG', direction='left', weight='distance')[source]

    Visualize time series classification.

    dataName: str

    Data name, e.g. “myData_1”

    saveDir: str

    Path of directories pointing to data storage

    numberOfLagsToDraw: boolean, Default 3

    First top-N lags (or frequencies) to draw

    autocorrelationBased: boolean, Default True

    Whether autocorrelation or frequency based

    xLabel: str, Default ‘Time’

    X-axis label

    plotLabel: str, Default ‘Transformed Expression’

    Label for the heatmap plot

    horizontal: boolean, Default False

    Whether to use horizontal or natural visibility graph.

    minNumberOfCommunities: int, Default 2

    Number of communities to find depends on the number of splits. This parameter is ignored in methods that automatically estimate optimal number of communities.

    communitiesMethod: str, Default ‘WDPVG’
    String defining the method to use for communitiy detection:

    ‘Girvan_Newman’: edge betweenness centrality based approach

    ‘betweenness_centrality’: reflected graph node betweenness centrality based approach

    ‘WDPVG’: weighted dual perspective visibility graph method (note to also set weight variable)

    direction:str, default ‘left’
    The direction that nodes aggregate to communities:

    None: no specific direction, e.g. both sides.

    ‘left’: nodes can only aggregate to the left side hubs, e.g. early hubs

    ‘right’: nodes can only aggregate to the right side hubs, e.g. later hubs

    weight: str, Default ‘distance’
    Type of weight for communitiesMethod=’WDPVG’:

    None: no weighted

    ‘time’: weight = abs(times[i] - times[j])

    ‘tan’: weight = abs((data[i] - data[j])/(times[i] - times[j])) + 10**(-8)

    ‘distance’: weight = A[i, j] = A[j, i] = ((data[i] - data[j])**2 + (times[i] - times[j])**2)**0.5




    visualizeTimeSeriesClassification(‘myData_1’, ‘/dir1/dir2/’)