• G. Mias Lab »
  • Source code for pyiomica.dataStorage

    '''Data storage functions'''
    import h5py
    import json
    import pickle
    from .globalVariables import *
    from .extendedDataFrame import DataFrame
    from . import utilityFunctions
    [docs]def read(fileName, withPKLZextension = True, hdf5fileName = None, jsonFormat = False): """Read object from a file recorded by function "write". Pandas and Numpy objects are read from HDF5 file when provided, otherwise attempt to read from PKLZ file. Parameters: fileName: str Path of directories ending with the file name withPKLZextension: boolean, Default True Add ".pklz" to a pickle file hdf5fileName: str, Default None Path of directories ending with the file name. If None then data is read from a pickle file jsonFormat: boolean, Default False Save data into compressed json file Returns: data Data object to write into a file Usage: exampleDataFrame = read('/dir1/exampleDataFrame', hdf5fileName='/dir2/data.h5') """ if jsonFormat: utilityFunctions.createDirectories("/".join(fileName.split("/")[:-1])) with gzip.GzipFile(fileName, 'r') as tempFile: data = json.loads(tempFile.read().decode('utf-8')) return data if hdf5fileName!=None: if not os.path.isfile(hdf5fileName): print(hdf5fileName, 'not found.') return None hdf5file = h5py.File(hdf5fileName, 'r') key = os.path.basename(fileName) if key in hdf5file: if hdf5file[key].attrs['gtype']=='pd': return DataFrame(pd.read_hdf(hdf5fileName, key=key, mode='r')) key = 'arrays/' + os.path.basename(fileName) if key in hdf5file: if hdf5file[key].attrs['gtype']=='np': return hdf5file[key].value searchPickled = print(os.path.basename(fileName), 'not found in', hdf5fileName) if hdf5fileName==None or ('searchPickled' in locals()): if not os.path.isfile(fileName + ('.pklz' if withPKLZextension else '')): print(fileName + ('.pklz' if withPKLZextension else ''), 'not found.') return None with gzip.open(fileName + ('.pklz' if withPKLZextension else ''),'rb') as temp_file: data = pickle.load(temp_file) return data
    [docs]def write(data, fileName, withPKLZextension = True, hdf5fileName = None, jsonFormat = False): """Write object into a file. Pandas and Numpy objects are recorded in HDF5 format when 'hdf5fileName' is provided otherwise pickled into a new file. Parameters: data: any type Data object to write into a file fileName: str Path of directories ending with the file name withPKLZextension: boolean, Default True Add ".pklz" to a pickle file hdf5fileName: str, Default None Path of directories ending with the file name. If None then data is pickled jsonFormat: boolean, Default False Save data into compressed json file Returns: None Usage: write(exampleDataFrame, '/dir1/exampleDataFrame', hdf5fileName='/dir2/data.h5') """ if jsonFormat: utilityFunctions.createDirectories("/".join(fileName.split("/")[:-1])) with gzip.GzipFile(fileName, 'w') as tempFile: tempFile.write(json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8')) return None if hdf5fileName!=None and type(data) in [pd.DataFrame, DataFrame]: utilityFunctions.createDirectories("/".join(hdf5fileName.split("/")[:-1])) key=os.path.basename(fileName) pd.DataFrame(data).to_hdf(hdf5fileName, key=key, mode='a', complevel=6, complib='zlib') hdf5file = h5py.File(hdf5fileName, 'a') hdf5file[key].attrs['gtype'] = 'pd' elif hdf5fileName!=None and type(data) is np.ndarray: utilityFunctions.createDirectories(hdf5fileName) hdf5file = h5py.File(hdf5fileName, 'a') key = 'arrays/' + fileName.split("/")[-1] data = data.astype(float) if not key in hdf5file: hdf5file.create_dataset(key, data=data, maxshape=tuple([None]*len(data.shape)), dtype=data.dtype, compression='gzip', compression_opts=6) else: dataset = hdf5file[key] if dataset.shape!=data.shape: dataset.resize(data.shape) dataset[...] = data hdf5file[key].attrs['gtype'] = 'np' else: if hdf5fileName!=None: print('HDF5 format is not supported for data type:', type(data)) print('Recording data to a pickle file.') utilityFunctions.createDirectories("/".join(fileName.split("/")[:-1])) with gzip.open(fileName + ('.pklz' if withPKLZextension else ''),'wb') as temp_file: pickle.dump(data, temp_file, protocol=4) return None