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  • Source code for pyiomica.enrichmentAnalyses

    '''Annotations and Enumerations'''
    import pymysql
    import datetime
    import urllib.request
    import requests
    from .globalVariables import *
    from . import utilityFunctions
    from . import dataStorage
    [docs]def internalAnalysisFunction(data, multiCorr, MultipleList, OutputID, InputID, Species, totalMembers, pValueCutoff, ReportFilterFunction, ReportFilter, TestFunction, HypothesisFunction, FilterSignificant, AssignmentForwardDictionary, AssignmentReverseDictionary, prefix, infoDict): """Analysis for Multi-Omics or Single-Omics input list The function is used internally and not intended to be used directly by user. Usage: Intended for internal use """ listData = data[list(data.keys())[0]] #If input data was a list of genes, convert it to pairs with label "Generic" if not type(listData[0]) is list: listData = [[item, 'Unknown'] for item in listData] else: if len(listData[0])==1: listData = [[item[0], 'Unknown'] for item in listData] #Get IDs for each gene dataForGeneTranslation = [item[0] if type(item) is list else item for item in listData] IDs = GeneTranslation(dataForGeneTranslation, OutputID, ConstantGeneDictionary, InputID = InputID, Species = Species)[OutputID] #Remove Missing IDs [item.remove('Missing') if 'Missing' in item else None for item in IDs] #Might have put in mixed IDs correspocting to different omics types still, give option to user; #Extract the translations, match the ones that intersect for different modes (e.g. RNA/Protein label (last element) must be same) membersWithAssociations = {} for gene, geneIDs in zip(listData, IDs): if len(gene)==4: geneKey, _, _, geneOmi = gene elif len(gene)==3: geneKey, geneOmi, _ = gene else: geneKey, geneOmi = gene if MultipleList: geneKey += '_' + geneOmi if geneKey in membersWithAssociations.keys(): labels = membersWithAssociations[geneKey][0] if not geneOmi in labels: labels.append(geneOmi) else: membersWithAssociations[geneKey] = [[geneOmi],[]] for ID in geneIDs: if prefix + ID in list(AssignmentForwardDictionary.keys()): for AssignmentID in list(AssignmentForwardDictionary[prefix + ID]): if not AssignmentID in membersWithAssociations[geneKey][1]: membersWithAssociations[geneKey][1].append(AssignmentID) if len(membersWithAssociations[geneKey][1])==0: membersWithAssociations.pop(geneKey) allAssignmentIDs = [] for thisGeneGOlist in [item[1] for item in list(membersWithAssociations.values())]: for AssignmentID in thisGeneGOlist: if not AssignmentID in allAssignmentIDs: allAssignmentIDs.append(AssignmentID) testCats = {} for AssignmentID in allAssignmentIDs: countsInList = len(membersWithAssociations.keys()) countsInFamily = multiCorr*len(AssignmentReverseDictionary[AssignmentID]) countsInMembers = np.sum([AssignmentID in item[1] for item in membersWithAssociations.values()]) whereGeneHits = [AssignmentID in item[1] for item in membersWithAssociations.values()] listOfGenesHit = [[item, membersWithAssociations[item][0]] for item in np.array(list(membersWithAssociations.keys()))[whereGeneHits]] testValue = TestFunction(countsInList, countsInFamily, multiCorr*totalMembers, countsInMembers) testCats[AssignmentID] = [testValue, [countsInList, countsInFamily, multiCorr*totalMembers, countsInMembers], infoDict[AssignmentID], listOfGenesHit] correctedpValues = dict(zip(allAssignmentIDs, HypothesisFunction([item[0] for item in list(testCats.values())], pValueCutoff).T)) for AssignmentID in allAssignmentIDs: testCats[AssignmentID][0] = [testCats[AssignmentID][0], correctedpValues[AssignmentID][1], correctedpValues[AssignmentID][2]] ResultsHCct = testCats #Length filter whatIsFilteredLength = ReportFilterFunction(np.array([item[1][3] for item in list(ResultsHCct.values())]), ReportFilter) #Significance filter whatIsFilteredSignif = np.array([(item[0][2] if FilterSignificant else True) for item in list(ResultsHCct.values())]).astype(bool) #Combined filter whatIsFiltered = whatIsFilteredLength * whatIsFilteredSignif returning = dict(zip(list(np.array(list(ResultsHCct.keys()), dtype=object)[whatIsFiltered]),list(np.array(list(ResultsHCct.values()), dtype=object)[whatIsFiltered]))) return {list(data.keys())[0]: returning}
    [docs]def OBOGODictionary(FileURL="http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/go-basic.obo", ImportDirectly=False, PyIOmicaDataDirectory=None, OBOFile="goBasicObo.txt"): """Generate Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) Gene Ontology (GO) vocabulary dictionary. Parameters: FileURL: str, Default "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/go-basic.obo" Provides the location of the Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) Gene Ontology (GO) file in case this will be downloaded from the web ImportDirectly: boolean, Default False Import from URL regardles is the file already exists PyIOmicaDataDirectory: str, Default None Path of directories to data storage OBOFile: str, Default "goBasicObo.txt" Name of file to store data in (file will be zipped) Returns: dictionary Dictionary of definitions Usage: OBODict = OBOGODictionary() """ global ConstantPyIOmicaDataDirectory PyIOmicaDataDirectory = ConstantPyIOmicaDataDirectory if PyIOmicaDataDirectory==None else PyIOmicaDataDirectory fileGOOBO = os.path.join(PyIOmicaDataDirectory, OBOFile) fileGOOBOgz = fileGOOBO + '.gz' #import the GO OBO file: we check if the OBO file Exist, if not, attempt to download and create it if not os.path.isfile(fileGOOBOgz): print("Did Not Find Annotation Files, Attempting to Download...") ImportDirectly = True if os.path.isfile(fileGOOBO): os.remove(fileGOOBO) if ImportDirectly: if os.path.isfile(fileGOOBOgz): os.remove(fileGOOBOgz) urllib.request.urlretrieve(FileURL.strip('"'), fileGOOBO) if os.path.isfile(fileGOOBO): print("Created Annotation Files at ", fileGOOBO) else: print("Did Not Find Annotation Files, Aborting Process") return with open(fileGOOBO, 'rb') as fileIn: with gzip.open(fileGOOBOgz, 'wb') as fileOut: shutil.copyfileobj(fileIn, fileOut) print("Compressed local file with GZIP.") os.remove(fileGOOBO) with gzip.open(fileGOOBOgz, 'r') as tempFile: inputFile = tempFile.readlines() inputFile = [item.decode() for item in inputFile] #Find keys "accessions (id):" and "name:" and "namespace" but extract their corresponding values in a list and map them to their corresponding [Term] positions, #Once the "accessions (id):" and its corresponding "name:" in a list, make an association between them, #so you can search this association using the key "accessions (id):" to get the value "name:" and "namespace" outDictionary = {} for position in np.where([item=='[Term]\n'for item in inputFile])[0]: def getValue(index): return inputFile[position + index].strip(['id:', 'name:', 'namespace:'][index - 1]).strip('\n').strip() outDictionary[getValue(1)] = [getValue(2), getValue(3)] return outDictionary
    [docs]def GetGeneDictionary(geneUCSCTable = None, UCSCSQLString = None, UCSCSQLSelectLabels = None, ImportDirectly = False, Species = "human", KEGGUCSCSplit = [True,"KEGG Gene ID"]): """Create an ID/accession dictionary from a UCSC search - typically of gene annotations. Parameters: geneUCSCTable: str, Default None Path to a geneUCSCTable file UCSCSQLString: str, Default None An association to be used to obtain data from the UCSC Browser tables. The key of the association must match the Species option value used (default: human). The value for the species corresponds to the actual MySQL command used UCSCSQLSelectLabels: str, Default None An association to be used to assign key labels for the data imported from the UCSC Browser tables. The key of the association must match the Species option value used (default: human). The value is a multi component string list corresponding to the matrices in the data file, or the tables used in the MySQL query provided by UCSCSQLString ImportDirectly: boolean, Default False Import from URL regardles is the file already exists Species: str, Default "human" Species considered in the calculation, by default corresponding to human KEGGUCSCSplit: list, Default [True,"KEGG Gene ID"] Two component list, {True/False, label}. If the first component is set to True the initially imported KEGG IDs, identified by the second component label, are split on + string to fix nomenclature issues, retaining the string following + Returns: dictionary Gene dictionary Usage: geneDict = GetGeneDictionary() """ UCSCSQLSelectLabels = {"human": ["UCSC ID", "UniProt ID", "Gene Symbol", "RefSeq ID", "NCBI Protein Accession", "Ensembl ID", "KEGG Gene ID", "HGU133Plus2 Affymetrix ID"]} #Update these to match any change in query #Query for UCSC SQL server UCSCSQLString = {"human": "SELECT hg19.kgXref.kgID, hg19.kgXref.spID, \ hg19.kgXref.geneSymbol, hg19.kgXref.refseq, hg19.kgXref.protAcc, \ hg19.knownToEnsembl.value, hg19.knownToKeggEntrez.keggEntrez, \ hg19.knownToU133Plus2.value FROM hg19.kgXref LEFT JOIN \ hg19.knownToEnsembl ON hg19.kgXref.kgID = hg19.knownToEnsembl.name \ LEFT JOIN hg19.knownToKeggEntrez ON hg19.kgXref.kgID = \ hg19.knownToKeggEntrez.name LEFT JOIN hg19.knownToU133Plus2 ON \ hg19.kgXref.kgID = hg19.knownToU133Plus2.name"} global ConstantPyIOmicaDataDirectory PyIOmicaDataDirectory = ConstantPyIOmicaDataDirectory if geneUCSCTable is None: geneUCSCTable = os.path.join(PyIOmicaDataDirectory, Species + "GeneUCSCTable" + ".json.gz") #If the user asked us to import directly, import directly with SQL, otherwise, get it from a directory they specify if not os.path.isfile(geneUCSCTable): print("Did Not Find Gene Translation Files, Attempting to Download from UCSC...") ImportDirectly = True else: termTable = dataStorage.read(geneUCSCTable, jsonFormat=True)[1] termTable = np.array(termTable) if ImportDirectly: #Connect to the database from UCSC ucscDatabase = pymysql.connect("genome-mysql.cse.ucsc.edu","genomep","password") if ucscDatabase==None: print("Could not establish connection to UCSC. Please try again or add the dictionary manually at ", geneUCSCTable) return #Prepare a cursor object using cursor() method ucscDatabaseCursor = ucscDatabase.cursor() try: #Execute the SQL command ucscDatabaseCursor.execute(UCSCSQLString[Species]) #Fetch all the rows in a list of lists. termTable = ucscDatabaseCursor.fetchall() except Exception as exception: print(exception) print ("Error: unable to fetch data") termTable = np.array(termTable).T termTable[np.where(termTable=="")] = None #Get all the terms we are going to need, import with SQL the combined tables,and export with a time stamp dataStorage.write((datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(), termTable.tolist()), geneUCSCTable, jsonFormat=True) #Close SQL connection ucscDatabase.close() if os.path.isfile(geneUCSCTable): print("Created Annotation Files at ", geneUCSCTable) else: print("Did Not Find Annotation Files, Aborting Process") return returning = {Species : dict(zip(UCSCSQLSelectLabels[Species],termTable))} if KEGGUCSCSplit[0]: returning[Species][KEGGUCSCSplit[1]] = np.array([item.split("+")[1] if item!=None else item for item in returning[Species][KEGGUCSCSplit[1]]]) return returning
    [docs]def GOAnalysisAssigner(PyIOmicaDataDirectory = None, ImportDirectly = False, BackgroundSet = [], Species = "human", LengthFilter = None, LengthFilterFunction = np.greater_equal, GOFileName = None, GOFileColumns = [2, 5], GOURL = "http://current.geneontology.org/annotations/"): """Download and create gene associations and restrict to required background set. Parameters: PyIOmicaDataDirectory: str, Default None The directory where the default package data is stored ImportDirectly: boolean, Default False Import from URL regardles is the file already exists BackgroundSet: list, Default [] Background list to create annotation projection to limited background space, involves considering pathways/groups/sets and that provides a list of IDs (e.g. gene accessions) that should be considered as the background for the calculation Species: str, Default "human" Species considered in the calculation, by default corresponding to human LengthFilterFunction: function, Default np.greater_equal Performs computations of membership in pathways/ontologies/groups/sets, that specifies which function to use to filter the number of members a reported category has compared to the number typically provided by LengthFilter LengthFilter: int, Default None Argument for LengthFilterFunction GOFileName: str, Default None The name for the specific GO file to download from the GOURL if option ImportDirectly is set to True GOFileColumns: list, Default [2, 5] Columns to use for IDs and GO:accessions respectively from the downloaded GO annotation file, used when ImportDirectly is set to True to obtain a new GO association file GOURL: str, Default "http://current.geneontology.org/annotations/" The location (base URL) where the GO association annotation files are downloaded from Returns: dictionary Dictionary of IDToGO and GOToID dictionaries Usage: GOassignment = GOAnalysisAssigner() """ global ConstantPyIOmicaDataDirectory PyIOmicaDataDirectory = ConstantPyIOmicaDataDirectory if PyIOmicaDataDirectory==None else PyIOmicaDataDirectory #If the user asked us to import PyIOmicaDataDirectoryectly, import PyIOmicaDataDirectoryectly from GO website, otherwise, get it from a PyIOmicaDataDirectoryectory they specify file = "goa_" + Species + ".gaf.gz" if GOFileName==None else GOFileName localFile = os.path.join(PyIOmicaDataDirectory, "goa_" + Species + ".gaf") localZipFile = os.path.join(PyIOmicaDataDirectory, "goa_" + Species + ".gaf.gz") fileGOAssociations = [os.path.join(PyIOmicaDataDirectory, Species + item + ".json.gz") for item in ["GeneOntAssoc", "IdentifierAssoc"]] #We check if the Annotations exist, if not, attempt to download and create them if not np.array(list(map(os.path.isfile, fileGOAssociations))).all(): print("Did Not Find Annotation Files, Attempting to Download...") ImportDirectly = True if ImportDirectly: #Delete existing file if os.path.isfile(localFile): os.remove(localFile) urllib.request.urlretrieve(GOURL + file, "\\".join([localZipFile])) with gzip.open(localZipFile, 'rb') as fileIn: with open(localFile, 'wb') as fileOut: shutil.copyfileobj(fileIn, fileOut) #Clean up archive os.remove(localZipFile) with open(localFile, 'r') as tempFile: goData = tempFile.readlines() #Remove comments by "!" lines goData = np.array(goData[np.where(np.array([line[0]!='!' for line in goData]))[0][0]:]) goData = pd.DataFrame([item.strip('\n').split('\t') for item in goData]).values #Remove all entries with missing df = pd.DataFrame(goData.T[np.array(GOFileColumns)-1].T) df = df[np.count_nonzero(df.values!='', axis=1)==2] ##Mark missing values with NaN #df.iloc[np.where(df.values=='')] = np.nan dfGrouped = df.groupby(df.columns[1]) keys, values = list(dfGrouped.indices.keys()), list(dfGrouped.indices.values()) IDs = df.values.T[0] geneOntAssoc = dict(zip(keys, [np.unique(IDs[value]).tolist() for value in values])) identifierAssoc = utilityFunctions.createReverseDictionary(geneOntAssoc) #Save created annotations geneOntAssoc, identifierAssoc dataStorage.write((datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(), geneOntAssoc), fileGOAssociations[0], jsonFormat=True) dataStorage.write((datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(), identifierAssoc), fileGOAssociations[1], jsonFormat=True) os.remove(localFile) if np.array(list(map(os.path.isfile, fileGOAssociations))).all(): print("Created Annotation Files at ", fileGOAssociations) else: print("Did Not Find Annotation Files, Aborting Process") return else: #Otherwise we get from the user specified PyIOmicaDataDirectoryectory geneOntAssoc = dataStorage.read(fileGOAssociations[0], jsonFormat=True)[-1] identifierAssoc = dataStorage.read(fileGOAssociations[1], jsonFormat=True)[-1] if BackgroundSet!=[]: #Using provided background list to create annotation projection to limited background space, also remove entries with only one and missing value keys, values = np.array(list(identifierAssoc.keys())), np.array(list(identifierAssoc.values())) index = np.where([(((len(values[i])==True)*(values[i][0]!=values[i][0]))==False)*(keys[i] in BackgroundSet) for i in range(len(keys))])[0] identifierAssoc = dict(zip(keys[index],values[index])) #Create corresponding geneOntAssoc geneOntAssoc = utilityFunctions.createReverseDictionary(identifierAssoc) if LengthFilter!=None: keys, values = np.array(list(geneOntAssoc.keys()), dtype=object), np.array(list(geneOntAssoc.values()), dtype=object) index = np.where(LengthFilterFunction(np.array([len(value) for value in values]), LengthFilter))[0] geneOntAssoc = dict(zip(keys[index],values[index])) #Create corresponding identifierAssoc identifierAssoc = utilityFunctions.createReverseDictionary(geneOntAssoc) return {Species : {"IDToGO": identifierAssoc, "GOToID": geneOntAssoc}}
    [docs]def obtainConstantGeneDictionary(GeneDictionary, GetGeneDictionaryOptions, AugmentDictionary): """Obtain gene dictionary - if it exists can either augment with new information or Species or create new, if not exist then create variable. Parameters: GeneDictionary: dictionary or None An existing variable to use as a gene dictionary in annotations. If set to None the default ConstantGeneDictionary will be used GetGeneDictionaryOptions: dictionary A list of options that will be passed to this internal GetGeneDictionary function AugmentDictionary: boolean A choice whether or not to augment the current ConstantGeneDictionary global variable or create a new one Returns: None Usage: obtainConstantGeneDictionary(None, {}, False) """ global ConstantGeneDictionary if ConstantGeneDictionary!=None: #ConstantGeneDictionary exists if AugmentDictionary: #Augment ConstantGeneDictionary ConstantGeneDictionary = {**ConstantGeneDictionary, **(GetGeneDictionary(**GetGeneDictionaryOptions) if GeneDictionary==None else GeneDictionary)} else: #Replace ConstantGeneDictionary ConstantGeneDictionary = GetGeneDictionary(**GetGeneDictionaryOptions) if GeneDictionary==None else GeneDictionary else: #Create/load UCSC based translation dictionary - NB global variable or use specified variable ConstantGeneDictionary = GetGeneDictionary(**GetGeneDictionaryOptions) if GeneDictionary==None else GeneDictionary return None
    [docs]def GOAnalysis(data, GetGeneDictionaryOptions={}, AugmentDictionary=True, InputID=["UniProt ID","Gene Symbol"], OutputID="UniProt ID", GOAnalysisAssignerOptions={}, BackgroundSet=[], Species="human", OntologyLengthFilter=2, ReportFilter=1, ReportFilterFunction=np.greater_equal, pValueCutoff=0.05, TestFunction=lambda n, N, M, x: 1. - scipy.stats.hypergeom.cdf(x-1, M, n, N), HypothesisFunction=lambda data, SignificanceLevel: BenjaminiHochbergFDR(data, SignificanceLevel=SignificanceLevel)["Results"], FilterSignificant=True, OBODictionaryVariable=None, OBOGODictionaryOptions={}, MultipleListCorrection=None, MultipleList=False, GeneDictionary=None): """Calculate input data over-representation analysis for Gene Ontology (GO) categories. Parameters: data: pd.DataFrame or list Data to analyze GetGeneDictionaryOptions: dictionary, Default {} A list of options that will be passed to this internal GetGeneDictionary function AugmentDictionary: boolean, Default True A choice whether or not to augment the current ConstantGeneDictionary global variable or create a new one InputID: list, Default ["UniProt ID","Gene Symbol"] Kind of identifiers/accessions used as input OutputID: str, Default "UniProt ID" Kind of IDs/accessions to convert the input IDs/accession numbers in the function's analysis GOAnalysisAssignerOptions: dictionary, Default {} A list of options that will be passed to the internal GOAnalysisAssigner function BackgroundSet: list, Default [] Background list to create annotation projection to limited background space, involves considering pathways/groups/sets and that provides a list of IDs (e.g. gene accessions) that should be considered as the background for the calculation Species: str, Default "human" The species considered in the calculation, by default corresponding to human OntologyLengthFilter: int, Default 2 Function that can be used to set the value for which terms to consider in the computation, by excluding GO terms that have fewer items compared to the OntologyLengthFilter value. It is used by the internal GOAnalysisAssigner function ReportFilter: int, Default 1 Functions that use pathways/ontologies/groups, and provides a cutoff for membership in ontologies/pathways/groups in selecting which terms/categories to return. It is typically used in conjunction with ReportFilterFunction ReportFilterFunction: function , Default np.greater_equal Specifies what operator form will be used to compare against ReportFilter option value in selecting which terms/categories to return pValueCutoff: float, Default 0.05 Significance cutoff TestFunction: function, Default lambda n, N, M, x: 1. - scipy.stats.hypergeom.cdf(x-1, M, n, N) Test function HypothesisFunction: function, Default lambda data, SignificanceLevel: BenjaminiHochbergFDR(data, SignificanceLevel=SignificanceLevel)["Results"] Allows the choice of function for implementing multiple hypothesis testing considerations FilterSignificant: boolean, Default True Can be set to True to filter data based on whether the analysis result is statistically significant, or if set to False to return all membership computations OBODictionaryVariable: str, Default None A GO annotation variable. If set to None, OBOGODictionary will be used internally to automatically generate the default GO annotation OBOGODictionaryOptions: dictionary, Default {} A list of options to be passed to the internal OBOGODictionary function that provides the GO annotations MultipleListCorrection: boolean, Default None Specifies whether or not to correct for multi-omics analysis. The choices are None, Automatic, or a custom number, e.g protein+RNA MultipleList: boolean, Default False Specifies whether the input accessions list constituted a multi-omics list input that is annotated so GeneDictionary: str, Default None Points to an existing variable to use as a gene dictionary in annotations. If set to None the default ConstantGeneDictionary will be used Returns: dictionary Enrichment dictionary Usage: goExample1 = GOAnalysis(["TAB1", "TNFSF13B", "MALT1", "TIRAP", "CHUK", "TNFRSF13C", "PARP1", "CSNK2A1", "CSNK2A2", "CSNK2B", "LTBR", "LYN", "MYD88", "GADD45B", "ATM", "NFKB1", "NFKB2", "NFKBIA", "IRAK4", "PIAS4", "PLAU"]) """ global ConstantGeneDictionary #Obtain OBO dictionary with OBOGODictionaryOptions if any. If externally defined use user definition for OBODict Variable OBODict = OBOGODictionary(**OBOGODictionaryOptions) if OBODictionaryVariable==None else OBODictionaryVariable #Obtain gene dictionary - if it exists can either augment with new information or Species or create new, if not exist then create variable obtainConstantGeneDictionary(GeneDictionary, GetGeneDictionaryOptions, AugmentDictionary) #Get the right GO terms for the BackgroundSet requested and correct Species Assignment = GOAnalysisAssigner(BackgroundSet=BackgroundSet, Species=Species , LengthFilter=OntologyLengthFilter) if GOAnalysisAssignerOptions=={} else GOAnalysisAssigner(**GOAnalysisAssignerOptions) listToggle = False #If the input is simply a list if type(data) is list: data = {'dummy': data} listToggle = True #The data may be a subgroup from a clustering object, i.e. a pd.DataFrame if type(data) is pd.DataFrame: id = list(data.index.get_level_values('id')) source = list(data.index.get_level_values('source')) data = [[id[i], source[i]] for i in range(len(data))] data = {'dummy': data} listToggle = True returning = {} #Check if a clustering object if "linkage" in data.keys(): if MultipleListCorrection==None: multiCorr = 1 elif MultipleListCorrection=='Automatic': multiCorr = 1 for keyGroup in sorted([item for item in list(data.keys()) if not item=='linkage']): for keySubGroup in sorted([item for item in list(data[keyGroup].keys()) if not item=='linkage']): multiCorr = max(max(np.unique(data[keyGroup][keySubGroup]['data'].index.get_level_values('id'), return_counts=True)[1]), multiCorr) else: multiCorr = MultipleListCorrection #Loop through the clustering object, calculate GO for each SubGroup for keyGroup in sorted([item for item in list(data.keys()) if not item=='linkage']): returning[keyGroup] = {} for keySubGroup in sorted([item for item in list(data[keyGroup].keys()) if not item=='linkage']): SubGroupMultiIndex = data[keyGroup][keySubGroup]['data'].index SubGroupGenes = list(SubGroupMultiIndex.get_level_values('id')) SubGroupMeta = list(SubGroupMultiIndex.get_level_values('source')) SubGroupList = [[SubGroupGenes[i], SubGroupMeta[i]] for i in range(len(SubGroupMultiIndex))] returning[keyGroup][keySubGroup] = internalAnalysisFunction({keySubGroup:SubGroupList}, multiCorr, MultipleList, OutputID, InputID, Species, len(Assignment[Species]["IDToGO"]), pValueCutoff, ReportFilterFunction, ReportFilter, TestFunction, HypothesisFunction, FilterSignificant, AssignmentForwardDictionary=Assignment[Species]['IDToGO'], AssignmentReverseDictionary=Assignment[Species]['GOToID'], prefix='', infoDict=OBODict)[keySubGroup] #The data is a dictionary of type {'Name1': [data1], 'Name2': [data2], ...} else: for key in list(data.keys()): if MultipleListCorrection==None: multiCorr = 1 elif MultipleList and MultipleListCorrection=='Automatic': multiCorr = max(np.unique([item[0] for item in data[key]], return_counts=True)[1]) else: multiCorr = MultipleListCorrection returning.update(internalAnalysisFunction({key:data[key]}, multiCorr, MultipleList, OutputID, InputID, Species, len(Assignment[Species]["IDToGO"]), pValueCutoff, ReportFilterFunction, ReportFilter, TestFunction, HypothesisFunction, FilterSignificant, AssignmentForwardDictionary=Assignment[Species]['IDToGO'], AssignmentReverseDictionary=Assignment[Species]['GOToID'], prefix='', infoDict=OBODict)) #If a single list was provided, return the association for Gene Ontologies returning = returning['dummy'] if listToggle else returning return returning
    [docs]def GeneTranslation(InputList, TargetIDList, GeneDictionary, InputID = None, Species = "human"): """Use geneDictionary to convert inputList IDs to different annotations as indicated by targetIDList. Parameters: InputList: list List of names TargetIDList: list Target ID list GeneDictionary: dictionary An existing variable to use as a gene dictionary in annotations. If set to None the default ConstantGeneDictionary will be used InputID: str, Default None The kind of identifiers/accessions used as input Species: str, Default "human" The species considered in the calculation, by default corresponding to human Returns: dictionary Gene dictionary Usage: GenDict = GeneTranslation(data, "UniProt ID", ConstantGeneDictionary, InputID = ["UniProt ID","Gene Symbol"], Species = "human") """ if InputID!=None: listOfKeysToUse = [] if type(InputID) is list: for key in InputID: if key in list(GeneDictionary[Species].keys()): listOfKeysToUse.append(key) elif type(InputID) is str: listOfKeysToUse.append(InputID) else: listOfKeysToUse = list(GeneDictionary[Species].keys()) returning = {} for TargetID in ([TargetIDList] if type(TargetIDList) is str else TargetIDList): returning[TargetID] = {} for key in listOfKeysToUse: returning[TargetID][key] = [] for item in InputList: allEntries = np.array(GeneDictionary[Species][TargetID])[np.where(np.array(GeneDictionary[Species][key])==item)[0]] returning[TargetID][key].append(list(np.unique(allEntries[np.where(allEntries!=None)[0]]) if InputID!=None else allEntries)) #Merge all found lists into one list if InputID!=None: returningCopy = returning.copy() returning[TargetID] = [] for iitem, item in enumerate(InputList): tempList = [] for key in listOfKeysToUse: tempList.extend(returningCopy[TargetID][key][iitem]) returning[TargetID].append(tempList) return returning
    [docs]def KEGGAnalysisAssigner(PyIOmicaDataDirectory = None, ImportDirectly = False, BackgroundSet = [], KEGGQuery1 = "pathway", KEGGQuery2 = "hsa", LengthFilter = None, LengthFilterFunction = np.greater_equal, Labels = ["IDToPath", "PathToID"]): """Create KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway associations, restricted to required background set, downloading the data if necessary. Parameters: PyIOmicaDataDirectory: str, Default None Directory where the default package data is stored ImportDirectly: boolean, Default False Import from URL regardles is the file already exists BackgroundSet: list, Default [] A list of IDs (e.g. gene accessions) that should be considered as the background for the calculation KEGGQuery1: str, Default "pathway" Make KEGG API calls, and sets string query1 in http://rest.kegg.jp/link/<> query1 <> / <> query2. Typically this will be used as the target database to find related entries by using database cross-references KEGGQuery2: str, Default "hsa" KEGG API calls, and sets string query2 in http://rest.kegg.jp/link/<> query1 <> / <> query2. Typically this will be used as the source database to find related entries by using database cross-references LengthFilterFunction: function, Default np.greater_equal Option for functions that perform computations of membership in pathways/ontologies/groups/sets, that specifies which function to use to filter the number of members a reported category has compared to the number typically provided by LengthFilter LengthFilter: int, Default None Allows the selection of how many members each category can have, as typically restricted by the LengthFilterFunction Labels: list, Default ["IDToPath", "PathToID"] A string list for how keys in a created association will be named Returns: dictionary IDToPath and PathToID dictionary Usage: KEGGassignment = KEGGAnalysisAssigner() """ global ConstantPyIOmicaDataDirectory PyIOmicaDataDirectory = ConstantPyIOmicaDataDirectory if PyIOmicaDataDirectory==None else PyIOmicaDataDirectory ##if the user asked us to import directly, import directly from KEGG website, otherwise, get it from a directory they specify fileAssociations = [os.path.join(PyIOmicaDataDirectory, item) for item in [KEGGQuery1 + "_" + KEGGQuery2 + "KEGGMemberToPathAssociation.json.gz", KEGGQuery1 + "_" + KEGGQuery2 + "KEGGPathToMemberAssociation.json.gz"]] if not np.array(list(map(os.path.isfile, fileAssociations))).all(): print("Did Not Find Annotation Files, Attempting to Download...") ImportDirectly = True if ImportDirectly: localFile = os.path.join(PyIOmicaDataDirectory, KEGGQuery1 + "_" + KEGGQuery2 + ".tsv") #Delete existing file if os.path.isfile(localFile): os.remove(localFile) urllib.request.urlretrieve("http://rest.kegg.jp/link/" + KEGGQuery1 + ("" if KEGGQuery2=="" else "/" + KEGGQuery2), localFile) with open(localFile, 'r') as tempFile: tempLines = tempFile.readlines() df = pd.DataFrame([line.strip('\n').split('\t') for line in tempLines]) ##Remove all entries with missing #df = pd.DataFrame(goData.T[np.array(GOFileColumns)-1].T) #df = df[np.count_nonzero(df.values!='', axis=1)==2] dfGrouped = df.groupby(df.columns[1]) keys, values = list(dfGrouped.indices.keys()), list(dfGrouped.indices.values()) IDs = df.values.T[0] pathToID = dict(zip(keys, [np.unique(IDs[value]).tolist() for value in values])) idToPath = utilityFunctions.createReverseDictionary(pathToID) dataStorage.write((datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(), idToPath), fileAssociations[0], jsonFormat=True) dataStorage.write((datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(), pathToID), fileAssociations[1], jsonFormat=True) os.remove(localFile) if np.array(list(map(os.path.isfile, fileAssociations))).all(): print("Created Annotation Files at ", fileAssociations) else: print("Did Not Find Annotation Files, Aborting Process") return else: #otherwise import the necessary associations from PyIOmicaDataDirectoryectory idToPath = dataStorage.read(fileAssociations[0], jsonFormat=True)[1] pathToID = dataStorage.read(fileAssociations[1], jsonFormat=True)[1] if BackgroundSet!=[]: #Using provided background list to create annotation projection to limited background space keys, values = np.array(list(idToPath.keys())), np.array(list(idToPath.values())) index = np.where([(((len(values[i])==True)*(values[i][0]!=values[i][0]))==False)*(keys[i] in BackgroundSet) for i in range(len(keys))])[0] idToPath = dict(zip(keys[index],values[index])) #Create corresponding reverse dictionary pathToID = utilityFunctions.createReverseDictionary(idToPath) if LengthFilter!=None: keys, values = np.array(list(pathToID.keys())), np.array(list(pathToID.values())) index = np.where(LengthFilterFunction(np.array([len(value) for value in values]), LengthFilter))[0] pathToID = dict(zip(keys[index],values[index])) #Create corresponding reverse dictionary idToPath = utilityFunctions.createReverseDictionary(pathToID) return {KEGGQuery2 : {Labels[0]: idToPath, Labels[1]: pathToID}}
    [docs]def KEGGDictionary(PyIOmicaDataDirectory = None, ImportDirectly = False, KEGGQuery1 = "pathway", KEGGQuery2 = "hsa"): """Create a dictionary from KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes terms - typically association of pathways and members therein. Parameters: PyIOmicaDataDirectory: str, Default None directory where the default package data is stored ImportDirectly: boolean, Default False import from URL regardles is the file already exists KEGGQuery1: str, Default "pathway" make KEGG API calls, and sets string query1 in http://rest.kegg.jp/link/<> query1 <> / <> query2. Typically this will be used as the target database to find related entries by using database cross-references KEGGQuery2: str, Default "hsa" KEGG API calls, and sets string query2 in http://rest.kegg.jp/link/<> query1 <> / <> query2. Typically this will be used as the source database to find related entries by using database cross-references Returns: dictionary Dictionary of definitions Usage: KEGGDict = KEGGDictionary() """ global ConstantPyIOmicaDataDirectory PyIOmicaDataDirectory = ConstantPyIOmicaDataDirectory if PyIOmicaDataDirectory==None else PyIOmicaDataDirectory #if the user asked us to import directly, import directly from KEGG website, otherwise, get it from a directory they specify fileKEGGDict = os.path.join(PyIOmicaDataDirectory, KEGGQuery1 + "_" + KEGGQuery2 + "_KEGGDictionary.json.gz") if os.path.isfile(fileKEGGDict): associationKEGG = dataStorage.read(fileKEGGDict, jsonFormat=True)[1] else: print("Did Not Find Annotation Files, Attempting to Download...") ImportDirectly = True if ImportDirectly: queryFile = os.path.join(PyIOmicaDataDirectory, KEGGQuery1 + "_" + KEGGQuery2 + ".tsv") if os.path.isfile(queryFile): os.remove(queryFile) urllib.request.urlretrieve("http://rest.kegg.jp/list/" + KEGGQuery1 + ("" if KEGGQuery2=="" else "/" + KEGGQuery2), queryFile) with open(queryFile, 'r') as tempFile: tempLines = tempFile.readlines() os.remove(queryFile) associationKEGG = dict([line.strip('\n').split('\t') for line in tempLines]) dataStorage.write((datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(), associationKEGG), fileKEGGDict, jsonFormat=True) if os.path.isfile(fileKEGGDict): print("Created Annotation Files at ", fileKEGGDict) else: print("Did Not Find Annotation Files, Aborting Process") return return associationKEGG
    [docs]def KEGGAnalysis(data, AnalysisType = "Genomic", GetGeneDictionaryOptions = {}, AugmentDictionary = True, InputID = ["UniProt ID", "Gene Symbol"], OutputID = "KEGG Gene ID", MolecularInputID = ["cpd"], MolecularOutputID = "cpd", KEGGAnalysisAssignerOptions = {}, BackgroundSet = [], KEGGOrganism = "hsa", KEGGMolecular = "cpd", KEGGDatabase = "pathway", PathwayLengthFilter = 2, ReportFilter = 1, ReportFilterFunction = np.greater_equal, pValueCutoff = 0.05, TestFunction = lambda n, N, M, x: 1. - scipy.stats.hypergeom.cdf(x-1, M, n, N), HypothesisFunction = lambda data, SignificanceLevel: BenjaminiHochbergFDR(data, SignificanceLevel=SignificanceLevel)["Results"], FilterSignificant = True, KEGGDictionaryVariable = None, KEGGDictionaryOptions = {}, MultipleListCorrection = None, MultipleList = False, GeneDictionary = None, Species = "human", MolecularSpecies = "compound", NonUCSC = False, PyIOmicaDataDirectory = None): """Calculate input data over-representation analysis for KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathways. Input can be a list, a dictionary of lists or a clustering object. Parameters: data: pandas.DetaFrame or list Data to analyze AnalysisType: str, Default "Genomic" Analysis methods that may be used, "Genomic", "Molecular" or "All" GetGeneDictionaryOptions: dictionary, Default {} A list of options that will be passed to this internal GetGeneDictionary function AugmentDictionary: boolean, Default True A choice whether or not to augment the current ConstantGeneDictionary global variable or create a new one InputID: list, Default ["UniProt ID", "Gene Symbol"] The kind of identifiers/accessions used as input OutputID: str, Default "KEGG Gene ID" A string value that specifies what kind of IDs/accessions to convert the input IDs/accession numbers in the function's analysis MolecularInputID: list, Default ["cpd"] A string list to indicate the kind of ID to use for the input molecule entries MolecularOutputID: str, Default "cpd" A string list to indicate the kind of ID to use for the input molecule entries KEGGAnalysisAssignerOptions: dictionary, Default {} A list of options that will be passed to this internal KEGGAnalysisAssigner function BackgroundSet: list, Default [] A list of IDs (e.g. gene accessions) that should be considered as the background for the calculation KEGGOrganism: str, Default "hsa" Indicates which organism (org) to use for \"Genomic\" type of analysis (default is human analysis: org=\"hsa\") KEGGMolecular: str, Default "cpd" Which database to use for molecular analysis (default is the compound database: cpd) KEGGDatabase: str, Default "pathway" KEGG database to use as the target database PathwayLengthFilter: int, Default 2 Pathways to consider in the computation, by excluding pathways that have fewer items compared to the PathwayLengthFilter value ReportFilter: int, Default 1 Provides a cutoff for membership in ontologies/pathways/groups in selecting which terms/categories to return. It is typically used in conjunction with ReportFilterFunction ReportFilterFunction: function, Default np.greater_equal Operator form will be used to compare against ReportFilter option value in selecting which terms/categories to return pValueCutoff: float, Default 0.05 A cutoff p-value for (adjusted) p-values to assess statistical significance TestFunction: function, Default lambda n, N, M, x: 1. - scipy.stats.hypergeom.cdf(x-1, M, n, N) A function used to calculate p-values HypothesisFunction: function, Default lambda data, SignificanceLevel: BenjaminiHochbergFDR(data, SignificanceLevel=SignificanceLevel)["Results"] Allows the choice of function for implementing multiple hypothesis testing considerations FilterSignificant: boolean, Default True Can be set to True to filter data based on whether the analysis result is statistically significant, or if set to False to return all membership computations KEGGDictionaryVariable: str, Default None KEGG dictionary, and provides a KEGG annotation variable. If set to None, KEGGDictionary will be used internally to automatically generate the default KEGG annotation KEGGDictionaryOptions: dictionary, Default {} A list of options to be passed to the internal KEGGDictionary function that provides the KEGG annotations MultipleListCorrection: boolean, Default None Specifies whether or not to correct for multi-omics analysis. The choices are None, Automatic, or a custom number MultipleList: boolean, Default False Whether the input accessions list constituted a multi-omics list input that is annotated so GeneDictionary: str, Default None Existing variable to use as a gene dictionary in annotations. If set to None the default ConstantGeneDictionary will be used Species: str, Default "human" The species considered in the calculation, by default corresponding to human MolecularSpecies: str, Default "compound" The kind of molecular input NonUCSC: , Default If UCSC browser was used in determining an internal GeneDictionary used in ID translations, where the KEGG identifiers for genes are number strings (e.g. 4790).The NonUCSC option can be set to True if standard KEGG accessions are used in a user provided GeneDictionary variable, in the form OptionValue[KEGGOrganism] <>:<>numberString, e.g. hsa:4790 PyIOmicaDataDirectory: str, Default None Directory where the default package data is stored Returns: dictionary Enrichment dictionary Usage: keggExample1 = KEGGAnalysis(["TAB1", "TNFSF13B", "MALT1", "TIRAP", "CHUK", "TNFRSF13C", "PARP1", "CSNK2A1", "CSNK2A2", "CSNK2B", "LTBR", "LYN", "MYD88", "GADD45B", "ATM", "NFKB1", "NFKB2", "NFKBIA", "IRAK4", "PIAS4", "PLAU", "POLR3B", "NME1", "CTPS1", "POLR3A"]) """ argsLocal = locals().copy() global ConstantPyIOmicaDataDirectory obtainConstantGeneDictionary(None, {}, True) PyIOmicaDataDirectory = ConstantPyIOmicaDataDirectory if PyIOmicaDataDirectory==None else PyIOmicaDataDirectory #Gene Identifier based analysis if AnalysisType=="Genomic": #Obtain OBO dictionary. If externally defined use user definition for OBODict Var keggDict = KEGGDictionary(**KEGGDictionaryOptions) if KEGGDictionaryVariable==None else KEGGDictionaryVariable #Obtain gene dictionary - if it exists can either augment with new information or Species or create new, if not exist then create variable obtainConstantGeneDictionary(GeneDictionary, GetGeneDictionaryOptions, AugmentDictionary) #get the right KEGG terms for the BackgroundSet requested and correct Species Assignment = KEGGAnalysisAssigner(BackgroundSet=BackgroundSet, KEGGQuery1=KEGGDatabase, KEGGQuery2=KEGGOrganism, LengthFilter=PathwayLengthFilter) if KEGGAnalysisAssignerOptions=={} else KEGGAnalysisAssigner(**KEGGAnalysisAssignerOptions) #Molecular based analysis elif AnalysisType=="Molecular": InputID = MolecularInputID OutputID = MolecularOutputID Species = MolecularSpecies NonUCSC = True KEGGOrganism = KEGGMolecular MultipleListCorrection = None keggDict = KEGGDictionary(**({"KEGGQuery1": "pathway", "KEGGQuery2": ""} if KEGGDictionaryOptions=={} else KEGGDictionaryOptions)) if KEGGDictionaryVariable==None else KEGGDictionaryVariable #Obtain gene dictionary - if it exists can either augment with new information or Species or create new, if not exist then create variable fileMolDict = os.path.join(PyIOmicaDataDirectory, "PyIOmicaMolecularDictionary.json.gz") if os.path.isfile(fileMolDict): GeneDictionary = dataStorage.read(fileMolDict, jsonFormat=True)[1] else: fileCSV = os.path.join(PackageDirectory, "data", "MathIOmicaMolecularDictionary.csv") print('Attempting to read:', fileCSV) if os.path.isfile(fileCSV): with open(fileCSV, 'r') as tempFile: tempLines = tempFile.readlines() tempData = np.array([line.strip('\n').replace('"', '').split(',') for line in tempLines]).T tempData = {'compound': {'pumchem': tempData[0].tolist(), 'cpd': tempData[1].tolist()}} dataStorage.write((datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(), tempData), fileMolDict, jsonFormat=True) else: print("Could not find annotation file at " + fileMolDict + " Please either obtain an annotation file from mathiomica.org or provide a GeneDictionary option variable.") return GeneDictionary = dataStorage.read(fileMolDict, jsonFormat=True)[1] obtainConstantGeneDictionary(GeneDictionary, {}, AugmentDictionary) #Get the right KEGG terms for the BackgroundSet requested and correct Species #If no specific options for function use BackgroundSet, Species request, length request Assignment = KEGGAnalysisAssigner(BackgroundSet=BackgroundSet, KEGGQuery1=KEGGDatabase, KEGGQuery2=KEGGOrganism , LengthFilter=PathwayLengthFilter) if KEGGAnalysisAssignerOptions=={} else KEGGAnalysisAssigner(**KEGGAnalysisAssignerOptions) #Gene Identifier and Molecular based analysis done concurrently elif AnalysisType=='All': argsMolecular = argsLocal.copy() argsMolecular['AnalysisType'] = 'Molecular' argsGenomic = argsLocal.copy() argsGenomic['AnalysisType'] = 'Genomic' return {"Molecular": KEGGAnalysis(**argsMolecular), "Genomic": KEGGAnalysis(**argsGenomic)} #Abort else: print("AnalysisType %s is not a valid choice."%AnalysisType) return listToggle = False #If the input is simply a list if type(data) is list: data = {'dummy': data} listToggle = True #The data may be a subgroup from a clustering object, i.e. a pd.DataFrame if type(data) is pd.DataFrame: id = list(data.index.get_level_values('id')) source = list(data.index.get_level_values('source')) data = [[id[i], source[i]] for i in range(len(data))] data = {'dummy': data} listToggle = True returning = {} #Check if a clustering object if "linkage" in data.keys(): if MultipleListCorrection==None: multiCorr = 1 elif MultipleListCorrection=='Automatic': multiCorr = 1 for keyGroup in sorted([item for item in list(data.keys()) if not item=='linkage']): for keySubGroup in sorted([item for item in list(data[keyGroup].keys()) if not item=='linkage']): multiCorr = max(max(np.unique(data[keyGroup][keySubGroup]['data'].index.get_level_values('id'), return_counts=True)[1]), multiCorr) else: multiCorr = MultipleListCorrection #Loop through the clustering object, calculate GO for each SubGroup for keyGroup in sorted([item for item in list(data.keys()) if not item=='linkage']): returning[keyGroup] = {} for keySubGroup in sorted([item for item in list(data[keyGroup].keys()) if not item=='linkage']): SubGroupMultiIndex = data[keyGroup][keySubGroup]['data'].index SubGroupGenes = list(SubGroupMultiIndex.get_level_values('id')) SubGroupMeta = list(SubGroupMultiIndex.get_level_values('source')) SubGroupList = [[SubGroupGenes[i], SubGroupMeta[i]] for i in range(len(SubGroupMultiIndex))] returning[keyGroup][keySubGroup] = internalAnalysisFunction({keySubGroup:SubGroupList}, multiCorr, MultipleList, OutputID, InputID, Species, len(Assignment[KEGGOrganism]["IDToPath"]), pValueCutoff, ReportFilterFunction, ReportFilter, TestFunction, HypothesisFunction, FilterSignificant, AssignmentForwardDictionary=Assignment[KEGGOrganism]['IDToPath'], AssignmentReverseDictionary=Assignment[KEGGOrganism]['PathToID'], prefix='hsa:' if AnalysisType=='Genomic' else '', infoDict=keggDict)[keySubGroup] #The data is a dictionary of type {'Name1': [data1], 'Name2': [data2], ...} else: for key in list(data.keys()): if MultipleListCorrection==None: multiCorr = 1 elif MultipleList and MultipleListCorrection=='Automatic': multiCorr = max(np.unique([item[0] for item in data[key]], return_counts=True)[1]) else: multiCorr = MultipleListCorrection returning.update(internalAnalysisFunction({key:data[key]}, multiCorr, MultipleList, OutputID, InputID, Species, len(Assignment[KEGGOrganism]["IDToPath"]), pValueCutoff, ReportFilterFunction, ReportFilter, TestFunction, HypothesisFunction, FilterSignificant, AssignmentForwardDictionary=Assignment[KEGGOrganism]['IDToPath'], AssignmentReverseDictionary=Assignment[KEGGOrganism]['PathToID'], prefix='hsa:' if AnalysisType=='Genomic' else '', infoDict=keggDict)) #If a single list was provided returning = returning['dummy'] if listToggle else returning return returning
    [docs]def MassMatcher(data, accuracy, MassDictionaryVariable = None, MolecularSpecies = "cpd"): """Assign putative mass identification to input data based on monoisotopic mass (using PyIOmica's mass dictionary). The accuracy in parts per million. Parameters: data: np.array Input data accuracy: float Accuracy MassDictionaryVariable: boolean, Default None Mass dictionary variable. If set to None, inbuilt mass dictionary (MassDictionary) will be loaded and used MolecularSpecies: str, Default "cpd" The kind of molecular input Returns: list List of IDs Usage: result = MassMatcher(18.010565, 2) """ ppm = accuracy*(10**-6) MassDict = MassDictionary() if MassDictionaryVariable==None else MassDictionaryVariable keys, values = np.array(list(MassDict[MolecularSpecies].keys())), np.array(list(MassDict[MolecularSpecies].values())) return keys[np.where((values > data*(1 - ppm)) * (values < data*(1 + ppm)))[0]]
    [docs]def MassDictionary(PyIOmicaDataDirectory=None): """Load PyIOmica's current mass dictionary. Parameters: PyIOmicaDataDirectory: str, Default None Directory where the default package data is stored Returns: dictionary Mass dictionary Usage: MassDict = MassDictionary() """ global ConstantPyIOmicaDataDirectory PyIOmicaDataDirectory = ConstantPyIOmicaDataDirectory if PyIOmicaDataDirectory==None else PyIOmicaDataDirectory fileMassDict = os.path.join(PyIOmicaDataDirectory, "PyIOmicaMassDictionary.json.gz") if os.path.isfile(fileMassDict): MassDict = dataStorage.read(fileMassDict, jsonFormat=True)[1] else: fileCSV = os.path.join(PackageDirectory, "data", "MathIOmicaMassDictionary" + ".csv") if False: with open("PyIOmicaMassDictionary", 'r') as tempFile: mathDictData = tempFile.readlines() mathDict = ''.join([line.strip('\n') for line in mathDictData]).replace('"','').replace(' ','').replace('->',' ').split(',') mathDict = np.array([line.split(' ') for line in mathDict]) np.savetxt(fileCSV, mathDictData, delimiter=',', fmt='%s') if os.path.isfile(fileCSV): print('Reading:', fileCSV) fileMassDictData = np.loadtxt(fileCSV, delimiter=',', dtype=str) MassDict = {fileMassDictData[0][0].split(':')[0]: dict(zip(fileMassDictData.T[0],fileMassDictData.T[1].astype(float)))} dataStorage.write((datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(), MassDict), fileMassDict, jsonFormat=True) print("Created mass dictionary at ", fileMassDict) else: print("Could not find mass dictionary at ", fileMassDict, "Please either obtain a mass dictionary file from mathiomica.org or provide a custom file at the above location.") return None return MassDict
    [docs]def ExportEnrichmentReport(data, AppendString="", OutputDirectory=None): """Export results from enrichment analysis to Excel spreadsheets. Parameters: data: dictionary Enrichment results AppendString: str, Default "" Custom report name, if empty then time stamp will be used OutputDirectory: boolean, Default None Path of directories where the report will be saved Returns: None Usage: ExportEnrichmentReport(goExample1, AppendString='goExample1', OutputDirectory=None) """ def FlattenDataForExport(data): returning = {} if (type(data) is dict): if len(data)==0: print('The result is empty.') returning['List'] = data return idata = data[list(data.keys())[0]] if not type(idata) is dict: returning['List'] = data elif type(idata) is dict: idata = idata[list(idata.keys())[0]] if not type(idata) is dict: returning = data elif type(idata) is dict: idata = idata[list(idata.keys())[0]] if not type(idata) is dict: #Loop through the clustering object for keyClass in list(data.keys()): for keySubClass in list(data[keyClass].keys()): returning[str(keyClass)+' '+str(keySubClass)] = data[keyClass][keySubClass] elif type(idata) is dict: for keyAnalysisType in list(data.keys()): #Loop through the clustering object for keyClass in list(data[keyAnalysisType].keys()): for keySubClass in list(data[keyAnalysisType][keyClass].keys()): returning[str(keyAnalysisType)+' '+str(keyClass)+' '+str(keySubClass)] = data[keyAnalysisType][keyClass][keySubClass] else: print('Results type is not supported...') return returning def ExportToFile(fileName, data): writer = pd.ExcelWriter(fileName) for key in list(data.keys()): keys, values = list(data[key].keys()), list(data[key].values()) listNum = [[item for sublist in list(value)[:2] for item in sublist] for value in values] listNon = [list(value)[2:] for value in values] dataDF = [listNum[i] + listNon[i] for i in range(len(keys))] columns = ['p-Value', 'BH-corrected p-Value', 'Significant', 'Counts in list', 'Counts in family', 'Total members', 'Counts in members', 'Description', 'List of gene hits'] df = pd.DataFrame(data=dataDF, index=keys, columns=columns) df['Significant'] = df['Significant'].map(bool) cleanup = lambda value: value.replace("']], ['", ' | ').replace("[", '').replace("]", '').replace("'", '').replace(", Unknown", '') df['List of gene hits'] = df['List of gene hits'].map(str).apply(cleanup) df['Description'] = df['Description'].map(str).apply(cleanup) df.sort_values(by='BH-corrected p-Value', inplace=True) df.to_excel(writer, str(key)) writer.sheets[str(key)].set_column('A:A', df.index.astype(str).map(len).max()+2) format = writer.book.add_format({'text_wrap': False, 'valign': 'top'}) for idx, column in enumerate(df.columns): max_len = max((df[column].astype(str).map(len).max(), # len of largest item len(str(df[column].name)))) + 1 # len of column name/header adding a little extra space width = 50 if column=='Description' else min(180, max_len) writer.sheets[str(key)].set_column(idx+1, idx+1, width, format) # set column width writer.save() print('Saved:', fileName) return None saveDir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "Enrichment reports") if OutputDirectory==None else OutputDirectory utilityFunctions.createDirectories(saveDir) if AppendString=="": AppendString=(datetime.datetime.now().isoformat().replace(' ', '_').replace(':', '_').split('.')[0]) ExportToFile(saveDir + AppendString + '.xlsx', FlattenDataForExport(data)) return None
    [docs]def BenjaminiHochbergFDR(pValues, SignificanceLevel=0.05): """HypothesisTesting BenjaminiHochbergFDR correction Parameters: pValues: 1d numpy.array Array of p-values SignificanceLevel: float, Default 0.05 Significance level Returns: dictionary Corrected p-Values, p- and q-Value cuttoffs Usage: result = BenjaminiHochbergFDR(pValues) """ #pValues = np.round(pValues,6) #count number of hypotheses tested nTests = len(pValues) #sort the pValues in order sortedpVals = np.sort(pValues) #generate a sorting ID by ordering sortingIDs = np.argsort(np.argsort(pValues)) #adjust p values to weighted p values weightedpVals = sortedpVals * nTests / (1 + np.arange(nTests)) #flatten the weighted p-values to smooth out any local maxima and get adjusted p-vals adjustedpVals = np.array([np.min(weightedpVals[i:]) for i in range(nTests)]) #finally,generate the qVals by reordering qVals = adjustedpVals[sortingIDs] ##create an association from which to identify correspondence between ##p-values and q-values#Print[{qVals,pValues}]; pValqValAssociation = dict(zip(qVals, pValues)) #get the cutoff adjusted q-value tempValues = np.flip(adjustedpVals)[np.flip(adjustedpVals) <= SignificanceLevel] cutoffqValue = tempValues[0] if len(tempValues) > 0 else np.nan #identify corresponding cutoff p-value if np.isnan(cutoffqValue): cutoffqValue = 0. pValCutoff = 0. else: pValCutoff = pValqValAssociation[cutoffqValue] #get q-vals and q-val cutoff, test the qVals for being above or below #significance level -- return "true" if enriched and "false" if not returning = {"Results": np.vstack((pValues, qVals, qVals <= cutoffqValue)), "p-Value Cutoff": pValCutoff, "q-Value Cutoff": cutoffqValue} return returning
    [docs]def ReactomeAnalysis(data, uploadURL = 'https://reactome.org/AnalysisService/identifiers/projection', preDownloadURL = 'https://reactome.org/AnalysisService/download/', postDownloadURL = '/pathways/TOTAL/result.csv', headersPOST = {'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'text/plain'}, headersGET = {'accept': 'text/CSV'}, URLparameters = (('interactors', 'false'), ('pageSize', '20'), ('page', '1'), ('sortBy', 'ENTITIES_PVALUE'), ('order', 'ASC'), ('resource', 'TOTAL'))): """Reactome POST-GET-style analysis. Parameters: data: pd.DataFrame or list Data to analyze uploadURL: str, Default 'https://reactome.org/AnalysisService/identifiers/projection' URL for POST request preDownloadURL: str, Default 'https://reactome.org/AnalysisService/download/' Part 1 of URL for GET request postDownloadURL: str, Default '/pathways/TOTAL/result.csv' Part 2 of URL for GET request headersPOST: dict, Default {'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'text/plain'} URL headers for POST request headersGET: dict, Default {'accept': 'text/CSV'} URL headers for GET request URLparameters: tuple, Default (('interactors', 'false'), ('pageSize', '20'), ('page', '1'), ('sortBy', 'ENTITIES_PVALUE'), ('order', 'ASC'), ('resource', 'TOTAL')) Parameters for POST request Returns: returning Enrichment object Usage: goExample1 = ReactomeAnalysis(["TAB1", "TNFSF13B", "MALT1", "TIRAP", "CHUK", "TNFRSF13C", "PARP1", "CSNK2A1", "CSNK2A2", "CSNK2B", "LTBR", "LYN", "MYD88", "GADD45B", "ATM", "NFKB1", "NFKB2", "NFKBIA", "IRAK4", "PIAS4", "PLAU"]) """ def internalQueryReactome(data): '''Function used internally Parameters: data: str, list or list-like Input identifiers in a form of one string, list or a list-like object Returns: pandas.DataFrame Reactome enrichemnt result Usage: internalQueryReactome('P01023, Q99758, O15439, O43184') ''' # Check or convert data into a string of delimeter-separated values if type(data) is str: dataString = data.replace("'", "").replace("\"", "") else: if type(data) is list: dataString = str(data).replace("'", "").replace("\"", "").strip(']').strip('[') else: dataString = str(list(data)).replace("'", "").strip(']').strip('[') # POST request to uploadURL with specific 'data' response = requests.post(uploadURL, headers=headersPOST, params=URLparameters, data=dataString) # Read identifier of the POST request, to use it with GET request responseToken = response.json()['summary']['token'] # GET the csv result from downloadURL using identifier from POST request response = requests.get(preDownloadURL + responseToken + postDownloadURL, headers=headersGET) # Set up a stream from GET response stream = io.StringIO(response.content.decode('utf-8')) # Read GET response stream into pandas DataFrame enrichmentDataFrame = pd.read_csv(stream, index_col=0) return enrichmentDataFrame listToggle = False #If the input is simply a list if type(data) is list: data = {'dummy': data} listToggle = True #The data may be a subgroup from a clustering object, i.e. a pd.DataFrame if type(data) is pd.DataFrame: id = list(data.index.get_level_values('id')) data = {'dummy': np.unique(id)} listToggle = True returning = {} #Check if a clustering object if "linkage" in data.keys(): #Loop through the clustering object, calculate GO for each SubGroup for keyGroup in sorted([item for item in list(data.keys()) if not item=='linkage']): returning[keyGroup] = {} for keySubGroup in sorted([item for item in list(data[keyGroup].keys()) if not item=='linkage']): SubGroupMultiIndex = data[keyGroup][keySubGroup]['data'].index SubGroupGenes = list(SubGroupMultiIndex.get_level_values('id')) SubGroupList = np.unique(SubGroupGenes) returning[keyGroup][keySubGroup] = internalQueryReactome(SubGroupList) #The data is a dictionary of type {'Name1': [data1], 'Name2': [data2], ...} else: for key in list(data.keys()): returning.update({key: internalQueryReactome(data[key])}) #If a single list was provided, return the association for Gene Ontologies returning = returning['dummy'] if listToggle else returning return returning
    [docs]def ExportReactomeEnrichmentReport(data, AppendString="", OutputDirectory=None): """Export results from enrichment analysis to Excel spreadsheets. Parameters: data: dictionary or pandas.DataFrame Reactome pathway enrichment results AppendString: str, Default "" Custom report name, if empty then time stamp will be used OutputDirectory: boolean, Default None Path of directories where the report will be saved Returns: None Usage: ExportReactomeEnrichmentReport(example1, AppendString='example1', OutputDirectory=None) """ def FlattenDataForExport(data): returning = {} if (type(data) is pd.DataFrame): returning['List'] = data elif (type(data) is dict): idata = data[list(data.keys())[0]] if type(idata) is pd.DataFrame: returning = data elif type(idata) is dict: idata = idata[list(idata.keys())[0]] if type(idata) is pd.DataFrame: for keyClass in list(data.keys()): for keySubClass in list(data[keyClass].keys()): returning[str(keyClass)+' '+str(keySubClass)] = data[keyClass][keySubClass] else: print('Results type is not supported...') return returning def ExportToFile(fileName, data): writer = pd.ExcelWriter(fileName) for key in list(data.keys()): df = data[key] df.to_excel(writer, str(key)) writer.sheets[str(key)].set_column('A:A', df.index.astype(str).map(len).max()+2) format = writer.book.add_format({'text_wrap': False, 'valign': 'top'}) for idx, column in enumerate(df.columns): max_len = max((df[column].astype(str).map(len).max(), # len of largest item len(str(df[column].name)))) + 1 # len of column name/header adding a little extra space width = 50 if ((column=='Pathway name') or (column=='Found reaction identifiers')) else min(180, max_len) writer.sheets[str(key)].set_column(idx+1, idx+1, width, format) # set column width writer.save() print('Saved:', fileName) return None saveDir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "Enrichment reports") if OutputDirectory==None else OutputDirectory utilityFunctions.createDirectories(saveDir) if AppendString=="": AppendString=(datetime.datetime.now().isoformat().replace(' ', '_').replace(':', '_').split('.')[0]) ExportToFile(os.path.join(saveDir, AppendString + '.xlsx'), FlattenDataForExport(data)) return None