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  • Source code for pyiomica.extendedDataFrame

    '''PyIOmica Dataframe extending Pandas DataFrame with new functions'''
    import sklearn.preprocessing
    from .globalVariables import *
    from . import utilityFunctions
    from . import coreFunctions
    [docs]class DataFrame(pd.DataFrame): '''Class based on pandas.DataFrame extending capabilities into the doamin of PyIOmica Initialization parameters are identical to those in pandas.DataFrame See https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.html for detail. '''
    [docs] def __init__(self, data=None, index=None, columns=None, dtype=None, copy=False): '''Initialization method''' super().__init__(data=data, index=index, columns=columns, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) return
    [docs] def filterOutAllZeroSignals(self, inplace=False): """Filter out all-zero signals from a DataFrame. Parameters: inplace: boolean, Default False Whether to modify data in place or return a new one Returns: Dataframe or None Processed data Usage: df_data = df_data.filterOutAllZeroSignals() or df_data.filterOutAllZeroSignalse(inplace=True) """ print('Filtering out all-zero signals') init = self.shape[0] new_data = self.loc[self.index[np.count_nonzero(self, axis=1) > 0]] print('Removed ', init - new_data.shape[0], 'signals out of %s.' % init) print('Remaining ', new_data.shape[0], 'signals!') if inplace: self._update_inplace(new_data) else: return self._constructor(new_data).__finalize__(self) return
    [docs] def filterOutFractionZeroSignals(self, min_fraction_of_non_zeros, inplace=False): """Filter out fraction-zero signals from a DataFrame. Parameters: min_fraction_of_non_zeros: float Maximum fraction of allowed zeros inplace: boolean, Default False Whether to modify data in place or return a new one Returns: Dataframe or None Processed data Usage: df_data = df_data.filterOutFractionZeroSignals(0.75) or df_data.filterOutFractionZeroSignals(0.75, inplace=True) """ print('Filtering out low-quality signals (with more than %s%% zero points)' %(np.round(100.*(1.-min_fraction_of_non_zeros), 3))) min_number_of_non_zero_points = np.int(np.ceil(min_fraction_of_non_zeros * self.shape[1])) new_data = self.loc[self.index[np.count_nonzero(self, axis=1) >= min_number_of_non_zero_points]] if (self.shape[0] - new_data.shape[0]) > 0: print('Removed ', self.shape[0] - new_data.shape[0], 'signals out of %s.'%(self.shape[0])) print('Remaining ', new_data.shape[0], 'signals!') if inplace: self._update_inplace(new_data) else: return self._constructor(new_data).__finalize__(self) return
    [docs] def filterOutFractionMissingSignals(self, min_fraction_of_non_missing, inplace=False): """Filter out fraction-zero signals from a DataFrame. Parameters: min_fraction_of_non_missing: float Maximum fraction of allowed zeros inplace: boolean, Default False Whether to modify data in place or return a new one Returns: Dataframe or None Processed data Usage: df_data = df_data.filterOutFractionMissingSignals(0.75) or df_data.filterOutFractionMissingSignals(0.75, inplace=True) """ print('Filtering out low-quality signals (with more than %s%% missing points)' %(np.round(100.*(1.-min_fraction_of_non_missing), 3))) min_number_of_non_zero_points = np.int(np.ceil(min_fraction_of_non_missing * self.shape[1])) new_data = self.loc[self.index[(~np.isnan(self)).sum(axis=1) >= min_number_of_non_zero_points]] if (self.shape[0] - new_data.shape[0]) > 0: print('Removed ', self.shape[0] - new_data.shape[0], 'signals out of %s.'%(self.shape[0])) print('Remaining ', new_data.shape[0], 'signals!') if inplace: self._update_inplace(new_data) else: return self._constructor(new_data).__finalize__(self) return
    [docs] def filterOutReferencePointZeroSignals(self, referencePoint=0, inplace=False): """Filter out out first time point zeros signals from a DataFrame. Parameters: referencePoint: int, Default 0 Index of the reference point inplace: boolean, Default False Whether to modify data in place or return a new one Returns: Dataframe or None Processed data Usage: df_data = df_data.filterOutFirstPointZeroSignals() or df_data.filterOutFirstPointZeroSignals(inplace=True) """ print('Filtering out first time point zeros signals') new_data = self.loc[~(self.iloc[:,0] == 0.0)].copy() if (self.shape[0] - new_data.shape[0]) > 0: print('Removed ', self.shape[0] - new_data.shape[0], 'signals out of %s.'%(self.shape[0])) print('Remaining ', new_data.shape[0], 'signals!') if inplace: self._update_inplace(new_data) else: return self._constructor(new_data).__finalize__(self) return self
    [docs] def tagValueAsMissing(self, value=0.0, inplace=False): """Tag zero values with NaN. Parameters: inplace: boolean, Default False Whether to modify data in place or return a new one Returns: Dataframe or None Processed data Usage: df_data = df_data.tagValueAsMissing() or df_data.tagValueAsMissing(inplace=True) """ print('Tagging %s values with %s'%(value, np.NaN)) new_data = self.replace(to_replace=value, value=np.NaN, inplace=False) if inplace: self._update_inplace(new_data) else: return self._constructor(new_data).__finalize__(self) return
    [docs] def tagMissingAsValue(self, value=0.0, inplace=False): """Tag NaN with zero. Parameters: inplace: boolean, Default False Whether to modify data in place or return a new one Returns: Dataframe or None Processed data Usage: df_data = df_data.tagMissingAsValue() or df_data.tagMissingAsValue(inplace=True) """ print('Tagging %s values with %s'%(np.NaN, value)) new_data = self.replace(to_replace=np.NaN, value=value, inplace=False) if inplace: self._update_inplace(new_data) else: return self._constructor(new_data).__finalize__(self) return
    [docs] def tagLowValues(self, cutoff, replacement, inplace=False): """Tag low values with replacement value. Parameters: cutoff: float Values below the "cutoff" are replaced with "replacement" value replacement: float Values below the "cutoff" are replaced with "replacement" value inplace: boolean, Default False Whether to modify data in place or return a new one Returns: Dataframe or None Processed data Usage: df_data = df_data.tagLowValues(1., 1.) or df_data.tagLowValues(1., 1., inplace=True) """ print('Tagging low values (<=%s) with %s'%(cutoff, replacement)) new_data = self.mask(self <= cutoff, other=replacement, inplace=False) if inplace: self._update_inplace(new_data) else: return self._constructor(new_data).__finalize__(self) return
    [docs] def removeConstantSignals(self, theta_cutoff, inplace=False): """Remove constant signals. Parameters: theta_cutoff: float Parameter for filtering the signals inplace: boolean, Default False Whether to modify data in place or return a new one Returns: Dataframe or None Processed data Usage: df_data = df_data.removeConstantSignals(0.3) or df_data.removeConstantSignals(0.3, inplace=True) """ print('\nRemoving constant signals. Cutoff value is %s'%(theta_cutoff)) new_data = self.iloc[np.where(np.std(self,axis=1) / np.mean(np.std(self,axis=1)) > theta_cutoff)[0]] print('Removed ', self.shape[0] - new_data.shape[0], 'signals out of %s.' % self.shape[0]) print('Remaining ', new_data.shape[0], 'signals!') if inplace: self._update_inplace(new_data) else: return self._constructor(new_data).__finalize__(self) return
    [docs] def boxCoxTransform(self, axis=1, inplace=False): """Box-cox transform data. Parameters: axis: int, Default 1 Direction of processing, columns (1) or rows (0) inplace: boolean, Default False Whether to modify data in place or return a new one Returns: Dataframe or None Processed data Usage: df_data = df_data.boxCoxTransformDataframe() or df_data.boxCoxTransformDataframe(inplace=True) """ print('Box-cox transforming raw data') new_data = self.apply(coreFunctions.boxCoxTransform, axis=axis) if inplace: self._update_inplace(new_data) else: return self._constructor(new_data).__finalize__(self) return
    [docs] def modifiedZScore(self, axis=0, inplace=False): """Z-score (Median-based) transform data. Parameters: axis: int, Default 1 Direction of processing, rows (1) or columns (0) inplace: boolean, Default False Whether to modify data in place or return a new one Returns: Dataframe or None Processed data Usage: df_data = df_data.modifiedZScoreDataframe() or df_data.modifiedZScoreDataframe(inplace=True) """ print('Z-score (Median-based) transforming box-cox transformed data') new_data = self.copy() new_data = new_data.apply(coreFunctions.modifiedZScore, axis=axis) if inplace: self._update_inplace(new_data) else: return self._constructor(new_data).__finalize__(self) return
    [docs] def normalizeSignalsToUnity(self, referencePoint=0, inplace=False): """Normalize signals to unity. Parameters: referencePoint: int, Default 0 Index of the reference point inplace: boolean, Default False Whether to modify data in place or return a new one Returns: Dataframe or None Processed data Usage: df_data = df_data.normalizeSignalsToUnityDataframe() or df_data.normalizeSignalsToUnityDataframe(inplace=True) """ print('Normalizing signals to unity') if not referencePoint is None: #Subtract reference time-point value from all time-points new_data = self.compareTimeSeriesToPoint(point=referencePoint, inplace=False).copy() else: new_data = self.copy() where_nan = np.isnan(new_data.values.astype(float)) new_data[where_nan] = 0.0 new_data = new_data.apply(lambda data: data / np.sqrt(np.dot(data,data)),axis=1) new_data[where_nan] = np.nan if inplace: self._update_inplace(new_data) else: return self._constructor(new_data).__finalize__(self) return
    [docs] def quantileNormalize(self, output_distribution='original', averaging=np.mean, ties=np.mean, inplace=False): """Quantile Normalize signals in a DataFrame. Note that it is possible there may be equal values within the dataset. In such a scenario, by default, the quantile normalization implementation considered here works by replacing the degenerate values with the mean over all the degenerate ranks. Note, that for the default option to work the data should not have any missing values. If output_distribution is set to 'uniform' or 'normal' then the scikit-learn's Quantile Transformation is used. Parameters: output_distribution: str, Default 'original' Output distribution. Other options are 'normal' and 'uniform' averaging: function, Default np.mean With what value to replace the same-rank elements across samples. Default is to take the mean of same-rank elements ties: function or str, Default np.mean Function or name of the function. How ties should be handled. Default is to replace ties with their mean. Other possible options are: 'mean', 'median', 'prod', 'sum', etc. inplace: boolean, Default False Whether to modify data in place or return a new one Returns: Dataframe or None Processed data Usage: df_data = pd.DataFrame(index=['Gene 1','Gene 2','Gene 3','Gene 4'], columns=['Col 0','Col 1','Col 2'], data=np.array([[5, 4, 3], [2, 1, 4], [3, 4, 6], [4, 2, 8]])) df_data = df_data.quantileNormalize() or df_data.df_data.quantileNormalize(inplace=True) """ print('Quantile normalizing signals...') if output_distribution=='original': def rankTransform(series, weights): se_temp = pd.Series(index=scipy.stats.rankdata(series.values, method='min'), data=weights[scipy.stats.rankdata(series.values, method='ordinal')-1]) series[:] = pd.Series(se_temp.index).replace(to_replace=se_temp.groupby(level=0).agg(ties).to_dict()).values return series weights = averaging(np.sort(self.values, axis=0), axis=1) new_data = self.copy() new_data = new_data.apply(lambda col: rankTransform(col, weights), axis=0) elif output_distribution=='normal' or output_distribution=='uniform': new_data = self.copy() new_data.iloc[:] = sklearn.preprocessing.quantile_transform(self.values, output_distribution=output_distribution, n_quantiles=min(self.shape[0],1000), copy=False) if inplace: self._update_inplace(new_data) else: return self._constructor(new_data).__finalize__(self) return
    [docs] def compareTimeSeriesToPoint(self, point='first', inplace=False): """Subtract a particular point of each time series (row) of a Dataframe. Parameters: point: str, int or float Possible options are 'first', 'last', 0, 1, ... , 10, or a value. inplace: boolean, Default False Whether to modify data in place or return a new one Returns: Dataframe or None Processed data Usage: df_data = df_data.compareTimeSeriesToPoint() or df_data.compareTimeSeriesToPoint(df_data) """ independent = True if point == 'first': idx = 0 elif point == 'last': idx = len(self.columns) - 1 elif type(point) is int: idx = point elif type(point) is float: independent = False else: print("Specify a valid comparison point: 'first', 'last', 0, 1, ..., 10, etc., or a value") return new_data = self.copy() if independent: new_data.iloc[:] = (self.values.T - self.values.T[idx]).T else: new_data.iloc[:] = (self.values.T - point).T if inplace: self._update_inplace(new_data) else: return self._constructor(new_data).__finalize__(self) return
    [docs] def compareTwoTimeSeries(self, df, function=np.subtract, compareAllLevelsInIndex=True, mergeFunction=np.mean): """Create a new Dataframe based on comparison of two existing Dataframes. Parameters: df: pandas.DataFrame Data to compare function: function, Default np.subtract Other options are np.add, np.divide, or another <ufunc>. compareAllLevelsInIndex: boolean, Default True Whether to compare all levels in index. If False only "source" and "id" will be compared mergeFunction: function, Default np.mean Input Dataframes are merged with this function, i.e. np.mean (default), np.median, np.max, or another <ufunc>. Returns: DataFrame or None Processed data Usage: df_data = df_dataH2.compareTwoTimeSeries(df_dataH1, function=np.subtract, compareAllLevelsInIndex=False, mergeFunction=np.median) """ if self.index.names!=df.index.names: errMsg = 'Index of Dataframe 1 is not of the same shape as index of Dataframe 2!' print(errMsg) return errMsg if compareAllLevelsInIndex: df1_grouped, df2_grouped = self, df else: def aggregate(df): return df.groupby(level=['source', 'id']).agg(mergeFunction) df1_grouped, df2_grouped = aggregate(self), aggregate(df) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(set(df1_grouped.index.values).intersection(set(df2_grouped.index.values))), names=df1_grouped.index.names) return function(df1_grouped.loc[index], df2_grouped.loc[index])
    [docs] def imputeMissingWithMedian(self, axis=1, inplace=False): """Normalize signals to unity. Parameters: axis: int, Default 1 Axis to apply trasnformation along inplace: boolean, Default False Whether to modify data in place or return a new one Returns: Dataframe or None Processed data Usage: df_data = df_data.imputeMissingWithMedian() or df_data.imputeMissingWithMedian(inplace=True) """ def tempFunction(data): data[np.isnan(data)] = np.median(data[np.isnan(data) == False]) return data new_data = self.apply(tempFunction, axis=axis) if inplace: self._update_inplace(new_data) else: return self._constructor(new_data).__finalize__(self) return
    [docs]def mergeDataframes(listOfDataframes, axis=0): """Merge a list of Dataframes (outer join). Parameters: listOfDataframes: list List of pandas.DataFrames axis: int, Default 0 Merge direction. 0 to stack vertically, 1 to stack horizontally Returns: pandas.Dataframe Processed data Usage: df_data = mergeDataframes([df_data1, df_data2]) """ if len(listOfDataframes)==0: return None elif len(listOfDataframes)==1: return listOfDataframes[0] df = pd.concat(listOfDataframes, sort=False, axis=axis) return DataFrame(df)
    [docs]def getLombScarglePeriodogramOfDataframe(df_data, NumberOfCPUs=4, parallel=True): """Calculate Lomb-Scargle periodogram of DataFrame. Parameters: df: pandas.DataFrame Data to process parallel: boolean, Default True Whether to calculate in parallel mode (>1 process) NumberOfCPUs: int, Default 4 Number of processes to create if parallel is True Returns: pandas.Dataframe Lomb-Scargle periodograms Usage: df_periodograms = getLombScarglePeriodogramOfDataframe(df_data) """ if parallel: results = utilityFunctions.runCPUs(NumberOfCPUs, coreFunctions.pLombScargle, [(series.index[~np.isnan(series)].values, series[~np.isnan(series)].values, df_data.columns.values) for index, series in df_data.iterrows()]) df_periodograms = pd.DataFrame(data=results[1::2], index=df_data.index, columns=results[0]) else: frequencies = None intensities = [] for index, series in df_data.iterrows(): values = series[~np.isnan(series)].values times = series.index[~np.isnan(series)].values tempFrequencies, tempIntensities = coreFunctions.LombScargle(times, values, series.index.values, OversamplingRate=1) if frequencies is None: frequencies = tempFrequencies intensities.append(tempIntensities) df_periodograms = pd.DataFrame(data=np.vstack(intensities), index=df_data.index, columns=frequencies) return DataFrame(df_periodograms)
    [docs]def getRandomSpikesCutoffs(df_data, p_cutoff, NumberOfRandomSamples=10**3): """Calculate spikes cuttoffs from a bootstrap of provided data, gived the significance cutoff p_cutoff. Parameters: df_data: pandas.DataFrame Data where rows are normalized signals p_cutoff: float p-Value cutoff, e.g. 0.01 NumberOfRandomSamples: int, Default 1000 Size of the bootstrap distribution Returns: dictionary Dictionary of spike cutoffs. Usage: cutoffs = getSpikesCutoffs(df_data, 0.01) """ data = np.vstack([np.random.choice(df_data.values[:,i], size=NumberOfRandomSamples, replace=True) for i in range(len(df_data.columns.values))]).T df_data_random = DataFrame(pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=range(NumberOfRandomSamples), columns=df_data.columns)) df_data_random.filterOutFractionZeroSignals(0.75, inplace=True) df_data_random.normalizeSignalsToUnity(inplace=True) df_data_random.removeConstantSignals(0., inplace=True) data = df_data_random.values counts_non_missing = np.sum(~np.isnan(data), axis=1) data[np.isnan(data)] = 0. cutoffs = {} for i in list(range(data.shape[1]+1)): idata = data[counts_non_missing==i] if len(idata)>0: cutoffs.update({i : (np.quantile(np.max(idata, axis=1), 1.-p_cutoff, interpolation='lower'), np.quantile(np.min(idata, axis=1), p_cutoff, interpolation='lower'))} ) return cutoffs
    [docs]def getRandomAutocorrelations(df_data, NumberOfRandomSamples=10**5, NumberOfCPUs=4, fraction=0.75, referencePoint=0): """Generate autocorrelation null-distribution from permutated data using Lomb-Scargle Autocorrelation. NOTE: there should be already no missing or non-numeric points in the input Series or Dataframe Parameters: df_data: pandas.Series or pandas.Dataframe NumberOfRandomSamples: int, Default 10**5 Size of the distribution to generate NumberOfCPUs: int, Default 4 Number of processes to run simultaneously Returns: pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing autocorrelations of null-distribution of data. Usage: result = getRandomAutocorrelations(df_data) """ data = np.vstack([np.random.choice(df_data.values[:,i], size=NumberOfRandomSamples, replace=True) for i in range(len(df_data.columns.values))]).T df_data_random = DataFrame(pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=range(NumberOfRandomSamples), columns=df_data.columns)) df_data_random.filterOutFractionZeroSignals(fraction, inplace=True) df_data_random.normalizeSignalsToUnity(inplace=True, referencePoint=referencePoint) df_data_random.removeConstantSignals(0., inplace=True) print('\nCalculating autocorrelations of %s random samples (sampled with replacement)...'%(df_data_random.shape[0])) results = utilityFunctions.runCPUs(NumberOfCPUs, coreFunctions.pAutocorrelation, [(df_data_random.iloc[i].index.values.copy(), df_data_random.iloc[i].values.copy(), df_data.columns.values.copy()) for i in range(df_data_random.shape[0])]) return pd.DataFrame(data=results[1::2], columns=results[0])
    [docs]def getRandomPeriodograms(df_data, NumberOfRandomSamples=10**5, NumberOfCPUs=4, fraction=0.75, referencePoint=0): """Generate periodograms null-distribution from permutated data using Lomb-Scargle function. Parameters: df_data: pandas.Series or pandas.Dataframe NumberOfRandomSamples: int, Default 10**5 Size of the distribution to generate NumberOfCPUs: int, Default 4 Number of processes to run simultaneously Returns: pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing periodograms Usage: result = getRandomPeriodograms(df_data) """ data = np.vstack([np.random.choice(df_data.values[:,i], size=NumberOfRandomSamples, replace=True) for i in range(len(df_data.columns.values))]).T df_data_random = DataFrame(pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=range(NumberOfRandomSamples), columns=df_data.columns)) df_data_random.filterOutFractionZeroSignals(fraction, inplace=True) df_data_random.normalizeSignalsToUnity(inplace=True, referencePoint=referencePoint) df_data_random.removeConstantSignals(0., inplace=True) print('\nCalculating periodograms of %s random samples (sampled with replacement)...'%(df_data_random.shape[0])) return getLombScarglePeriodogramOfDataframe(df_data_random, NumberOfCPUs=NumberOfCPUs)