• G. Mias Lab »
  • Source code for pyiomica.frequencySubjectMatch

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr
    from collections import Counter
    from copy import deepcopy
    from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
    from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    [docs]def bootstrapGeneral(df, N, shuffling = True): '''To generate bootstrap samples Parameters: df: pandas dataframe the source dataframe using to generate bootstrap samples N: integer the size of bootstrap samples shuffling : boolean shuffle the data or not, The default is True. Returns: bootstrapDF: pandas dataframe the bootstrap samples ''' bootstrapDF = pd.DataFrame() df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) if shuffling: for column in df: bootstrapDF[column] = df[column].iloc[np.random.randint(df.shape[0], size=N)].values else: bootstrapDF = df.iloc[np.random.randint(df.shape[0], size=N)] return bootstrapDF
    [docs]def calculateLinksBetweenSubjectsByDistance(df1,df2,cutoff): '''To calculate the linked time series/Genes from two dataframes base on the Euclidean distance Parameters: df1: pandas dataframe the first time series from df1 df2: pandas dataframe the second time series from df2 cutoff: float if the distance between two time series less than cutoff, the two time series is linked time series Returns: numlinkedGenes: integer/float number of linked time series commonGenes: integer/float number of common time series in df1 and df2 linkedGenes: list of string the ids/names of linked time series ''' idx = df1.index.intersection(df2.index) numlinkedGenes = 0 linkedGenes = [] commonGenes = len(idx) if commonGenes != 0: for r in idx: s1 = df1.loc[r] s2 = df2.loc[r] d = np.linalg.norm(s1-s2) if d < cutoff: numlinkedGenes += 1 linkedGenes.append(r) return numlinkedGenes, commonGenes,linkedGenes
    [docs]def calculateLinksBetweenSubjectsByCorrelation(df1,df2,cutoff): '''To calculate the linked time series/Genes from two dataframes base on the pearson correlation Parameters: df1: pandas dataframe the first time series from df1 df2: pandas dataframe the second time series from df2 cutoff: float if the pearson correlation between two time series less than cutoff, the two time series is linked time series Returns: numlinkedGenes: integer/float number of linked time series commonGenes: integer/float number of common time series in df1 and df2 linkedGenes: list of string the ids/names of linked time series ''' idx = df1.index.intersection(df2.index) numlinkedGenes = 0 linkedGenes = [] commonGenes = len(idx) if commonGenes != 0: for r in idx: s1 = df1.loc[r] s2 = df2.loc[r] d = pearsonr(s1, s2)[0] if d > cutoff: numlinkedGenes += 1 linkedGenes.append(r) return numlinkedGenes, commonGenes,linkedGenes
    [docs]def getCommunityStructure(cs): ''' To change community structure from {node1:community1, node2:community2,...} to {community1:[node1, node2,...], community2:[node3, node4,...]} Parameters: cs: dictionary the community structure as {node1:community1, node2:community2,...} Returns: community_structure: dictionary the community structure as {community1:[node1, node2,...], community2:[node3, node4,...]} ''' commu_list = list(cs.values()) community_structure = {} for commu in commu_list: templist = [] for k,v in cs.items(): if int(v) == int(commu): templist.append(k) community_structure[commu] = deepcopy(templist) return community_structure
    [docs]def getCommunityGenesDict(community_structure,genelist,endwithString): '''To get gene IDs list of each community within selected individuals' category Parameters: community_structure: dictionary the community structure as {community1:[node1, node2,...], community2:[node3, node4,...]} genelist: dictionary the gene list of each individuals, the key is the id of individual endwithString: list of string the selected individuals categories, which attached to the end of the individual ids Returns: community_genes_dict: dictionary the genes list of each community ''' community_genes_dict = {} for key in community_structure.keys(): #for k in [1]: genes_list = [] subjectlist = community_structure[key] for k in genelist.keys(): if (k[0].endswith(endwithString) and k[1].endswith(endwithString) and k[0] in subjectlist and k[1] in subjectlist): #if sub.endswith('Prediabetic'): genes_list.append(set(genelist[k])) #copy_genes_list = deepcopy(genes_list) if len(genes_list) > 0: genes_set = list(set.intersection(*genes_list)) if len(genes_set): community_genes_dict[key] = genes_set community_genes_dict = {k: v for k, v in community_genes_dict.items() if len(v)} return community_genes_dict
    [docs]def splitGenes(community_gene_dict): '''Split gene ids, to seperate the genes name from attached labels Parameters: community_gene_dict: dictionary the genes ids list of each community Returns: new_dict: dictionary the gene names list of each community ''' new_dict = {} for key in community_gene_dict: fl = [] l = community_gene_dict[key] for name in l: fl.append(name.split('+')[0]) new_dict[key] = fl return new_dict
    [docs]def getCommunityTopGenesByNumber(community_structure,genelist,endwithString,numberOfTopGenes=500): '''To get the top ranking genes of each community Parameters: community_structure: dictionary the community structure as {community1:[node1, node2,...], community2:[node3, node4,...]} genelist: dictionary the genes list of each community endwithString: list of string the selected individuals categories, which attached to the end of the individual ids numberOfTopGenes: integer, optional the number of top ranking genes. The default is 500. Returns: community_genes_dict: dictionary the top ranking genes of each community ''' community_genes_dict = {} for key in community_structure.keys(): #for k in [1]: genes_list = [] subjectlist = community_structure[key] for k in genelist.keys(): if (k[0].endswith(endwithString) and k[1].endswith(endwithString) and k[0] in subjectlist and k[1] in subjectlist): #if sub.endswith('Prediabetic'): genes_list.extend(genelist[k]) counted = Counter(genes_list) ordered = [value for value, count in counted.most_common()] if len(ordered) >= numberOfTopGenes: community_genes_dict[key] = ordered[0:numberOfTopGenes] else: print("number of genes less than choose number of top genes") community_genes_dict[key] = ordered community_genes_dict = {k: v for k, v in community_genes_dict.items() if len(v)} return community_genes_dict
    [docs]def getCommunityTopGenesByFrequencyRanking(community_structure,genelist,endwithString,frequencyPercentage=50): '''To get the top frequency genes of each community Parameters: community_structure: dictionary the community structure as {community1:[node1, node2,...], community2:[node3, node4,...]} genelist: dictionary the genes list of each community endwithString: list of string the selected individuals categories, which attached to the end of the individual ids frequencyPercentage: float, optional the top percentage frequency of choosed genes, The default is 50. Returns: community_genes_dict: dictionary the top percentage frequency genes of each community ''' community_genes_dict = {} for key in community_structure.keys(): #for k in [1]: genes_list = [] subjectlist = community_structure[key] for k in genelist.keys(): if (k[0].endswith(endwithString) and k[1].endswith(endwithString) and k[0] in subjectlist and k[1] in subjectlist): #if sub.endswith('Prediabetic'): genes_list.extend(genelist[k]) counted = Counter(genes_list) top_ranking_value = round(max(counted.values()) * (1 - frequencyPercentage/100)) genes = [k for k, v in counted.items() if int(v) >= top_ranking_value] community_genes_dict[key] = genes community_genes_dict = {k: v for k, v in community_genes_dict.items() if len(v)} return community_genes_dict
    [docs]def optimizeK(df,rangeK,saveFig=False,**kargs): '''To optimize the k value of k-mean cluster Parameters: df: pandas dataframe the data source to do k-mean cluster rangeK: python range, e.g. rangeK = range(0,10) the K value range saveFig: boolean, optional save figure or not. The default is False. \*\*kargs: figure name if saveFig is true, the \*\*kargs is the figure name Returns: optimizek:integer the optimized K value ''' sil = [] elbow = [] K = rangeK for k in K: km = KMeans(n_clusters=k) km = km.fit(df) labels = km.labels_ elbow.append(km.inertia_) sil.append(silhouette_score(df, labels, metric = 'euclidean')) maxindex = sil.index(max(sil)) optimizek = K[maxindex] if saveFig: fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 6)) # create figure & 1 axis ax1.plot(K, sil, 'bx-') ax1.set_xlabel('k') ax1.set_ylabel('Silhouette_score') ax1.set_title('Silhouette Method For Optimal k') ax2.plot(K, elbow, 'rx-') ax2.set_xlabel('k') ax2.set_ylabel('Sum_of_squared_distances') ax2.set_title('Elbow Method For Optimal k') plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig(kargs['figname']) # save the figure to file plt.close(fig) return optimizek