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  • Source code for pyiomica.utilityFunctions

    '''Utility functions'''
    import multiprocessing
    from .globalVariables import *
    [docs]def readMathIOmicaData(fileName): '''Read text files exported by MathIOmica and convert to Python data Parameters: fileName: str Path of directories and name of the file containing data Returns: data Python data Usage: data = readMathIOmicaData("../../MathIOmica/MathIOmica/MathIOmicaData/ExampleData/rnaExample") ''' if os.path.isfile(fileName): with open(fileName, 'r') as tempFile: data = tempFile.read() data = data.replace('\n','').replace('{','(').replace('}',')').replace('->',':').replace('|>','}') data = data.replace('<|','{').replace('^','*').replace('`','*').replace('Missing[]','"Missing[]"') data = data.replace("\\",'') else: print('File not found (%s)'%(fileName)) returning = None try: returning = eval(data) except Exception as exception: print(exception) print('Error occured while converting data (%s)'%(fileName)) return returning
    [docs]def runCPUs(NumberOfAvailableCPUs, func, list_of_tuples_of_func_params): """Parallelize function call with multiprocessing.Pool. Parameters: NumberOfAvailableCPUs: int Number of processes to create func: function Function to apply, must take at most one argument list_of_tuples_of_func_params: list Function parameters Returns: 2d numpy.array Results of func in a numpy array Usage: results = runCPUs(4, pAutocorrelation, [(times[i], data[i], allTimes) for i in range(10)]) """ instPool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes = NumberOfAvailableCPUs) return_values = instPool.map(func, list_of_tuples_of_func_params) instPool.close() instPool.join() return np.vstack(return_values)
    [docs]def createReverseDictionary(inputDictionary): """Efficient way to create a reverse dictionary from a dictionary. Utilizes Pandas.Dataframe.groupby and Numpy arrays indexing. Parameters: inputDictionary: dictionary Dictionary to reverse Returns: dictionary Reversed dictionary Usage: revDict = createReverseDictionary(Dict) """ keys, values = np.array(list(inputDictionary.keys())), np.array(list(inputDictionary.values())) df = pd.DataFrame(np.array([[keys[i], value] for i in range(len(keys)) for value in values[i]])) dfGrouped = df.groupby(df.columns[1]) keys, values = list(dfGrouped.indices.keys()), list(dfGrouped.indices.values()) GOs = df.values.T[0] return dict(zip(keys, [GOs[value].tolist() for value in values]))
    [docs]def createDirectories(path): """Create a path of directories, unless the path already exists. Parameters: path: str Path directory Returns: None Usage: createDirectories("/pathToFolder1/pathToSubFolder2") """ if path=='': return None if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) return None