• G. Mias Lab »
  • Source code for pyiomica.visibilityGraphCommunityDetection

    """Visibility Graph Community detection functions.
    from .globalVariables import *
    import numpy as np
    import networkx as nx
    [docs]def createVisibilityGraph(data, times, graph_type='natural', weight=None, withsign=False): """Calculate adjacency matrix of visibility graph, create the networkx.Graph network. Parameters: data: 2d numpy.array Data to process times: 1d numpy.array Times corresponding to provided data points weight: str, Default None Type of normalization: None: no weighted 'time': weight = abs(times[i] - times[j]) 'tan': weight = abs((data[i] - data[j])/(times[i] - times[j])) + 10**(-8) 'distance': weight = A[i, j] = A[j, i] = ((data[i] - data[j])**2 + (times[i] - times[j])**2)**0.5 graph_type: str, Default 'natural' Type of the visibility graph: "horizontal", Horizontal Visibility Graph "natural", Natural Visibility Graph "dual_horizontal", Dual Perspective Horizontal Visibility Graph "dual_natural", Dual Perspective Natural Visibility Graph withsign: boolean, Default False Whether to return the sign of adjacency matrix, the link from normal perspective VG is positive, the link from reflected perspective VG is negative Returns: tuple Tuple of two objects: networkx.Graph Graph of networkx type 2d numpy.array Adjacency matrix Usage: A = createVisibilityGraph(data, times) """ idx_nan = np.argwhere(np.isnan(data)) ndata = np.delete(data, idx_nan) ntimes = np.delete(times, idx_nan) if graph_type not in ['horizontal','dual_horizontal','dual_natural','natural']: print('Unknown graph type: %s, adjust graph type to natural'%(graph_type)) else: print('graph type is: %s' %(graph_type)) if weight not in ['time', 'tan', 'distance', None]: print('Unknown weight type: %s, adjust weight to None'%(weight)) else: print('weight is: %s' %(weight)) if graph_type == "horizontal": AdMatrixOfVisibilityGraph = np.asmatrix(__getAdjacencyMatrixOfHorizontalVisibilityGraph(ndata, ntimes, weight=weight)) elif graph_type == "dual_horizontal": AdMatrixOfVisibilityGraph = np.asmatrix(__getAdjacencyMatrixOfHorizontalVisibilityGraph_dual(ndata, ntimes, weight=weight, withsign=withsign)) elif graph_type == "dual_natural": AdMatrixOfVisibilityGraph = np.asmatrix(__getAdjacencyMatrixOfVisibilityGraph_dual(ndata, ntimes, weight=weight, withsign=withsign)) else: AdMatrixOfVisibilityGraph = np.asmatrix(__getAdjacencyMatrixOfVisibilityGraph(ndata, ntimes, weight=weight)) G = nx.convert_matrix.from_numpy_matrix(abs(AdMatrixOfVisibilityGraph)) labels = {} intensity = {} for idx, node in enumerate(G.nodes()): labels[node] = str(np.round(ntimes[idx],2)) intensity[node] = ndata[idx] nx.set_node_attributes(G, labels, 'timepoint') nx.set_node_attributes(G, intensity, 'intensity') return G,AdMatrixOfVisibilityGraph
    def __getAdjacencyMatrixOfHorizontalVisibilityGraph(data, times, weight=None): """Calculate adjacency matrix of horizontal visibility graph. Parameters: data: 2d numpy.array Data to process times: 1d numpy.array Times corresponding to provided data points weight: str, Default None Type of normalization: None: no weighted 'time': weight = abs(times[i] - times[j]) 'tan': weight = abs((data[i] - data[j])/(times[i] - times[j])) + 10**(-8) 'distance': weight = A[i, j] = A[j, i] = ((data[i] - data[j])**2 + (times[i] - times[j])**2)**0.5 Returns: 2d numpy.array Adjacency matrix Usage: A = __getAdjacencyMatrixOfHorizontalVisibilityGraph(data, times) """ dimension = len(data) A = np.zeros((dimension,dimension)) for i in range(dimension): if i<dimension-1: if weight == 'time': A[i, i+1] = A[i+1, i] = abs(times[i] - times[i+1]) elif weight == 'tan': A[i, i+1] = A[i+1, i] = abs((data[i] - data[i+1])/(times[i] - times[i+1])) + 10**(-8) elif weight == 'distance': A[i, i+1] = A[i+1, i] = ((data[i] - data[i+1])**2 + (times[i] - times[i+1])**2)**0.5 else: A[i, i+1] = A[i+1, i] = 1 for j in range(i + 2, dimension): if np.max(data[i+1:j]) < min(data[i], data[j]): if weight == 'time': A[i,j] = A[j,i] = abs(times[i] - times[j]) elif weight == 'tan': A[i, j] = A[j, i] = abs((data[i] - data[j])/(times[i] - times[j])) + 10**(-8) elif weight == 'distance': A[i, j] = A[j, i] = ((data[i] - data[j])**2 + (times[i] - times[j])**2)**0.5 else: A[i, j] = A[j, i] = 1 return A def __getAdjacencyMatrixOfHorizontalVisibilityGraph_dual(data, times, weight=None, withsign=False): """Calculate adjacency matrix of dual perspective horizontal visibility graph. Parameters: data: 2d numpy.array Data to process times: 1d numpy.array Times corresponding to provided data points weight: str, Default None Type of normalization: None: no weighted 'time': weight = abs(times[i] - times[j]) 'tan': weight = abs((data[i] - data[j])/(times[i] - times[j])) + 10**(-8) 'distance': weight = A[i, j] = A[j, i] = ((data[i] - data[j])**2 + (times[i] - times[j])**2)**0.5 withsign: boolean, Default False Whether to return the sign of adjacency matrix, the link from normal perspective VG is positive, the link from reflected perspective VG is negative Returns: 2d numpy.array Adjacency matrix Usage: A = __getAdjacencyMatrixOfHorizontalVisibilityGraph_dual(data, times) """ A_posi = np.asmatrix(__getAdjacencyMatrixOfHorizontalVisibilityGraph(data, times, weight=weight)) A_nega = np.asmatrix(__getAdjacencyMatrixOfHorizontalVisibilityGraph(-data, times, weight=weight)) A_dual = np.where(A_posi >= A_nega, A_posi, -A_nega) if withsign == True: A_dual = A_dual else: A_dual = abs(A_dual) return A_dual def __getAdjacencyMatrixOfVisibilityGraph(data, times, weight=None): """Calculate adjacency matrix of natural visibility graph. Parameters: data: 2d numpy.array Data to process times: 1d numpy.array Times corresponding to provided data points weight: str, Default None Type of normalization: None: no weighted 'time': weight = abs(times[i] - times[j]) 'tan': weight = abs((data[i] - data[j])/(times[i] - times[j])) + 10**(-8) 'distance': weight = A[i, j] = A[j, i] = ((data[i] - data[j])**2 + (times[i] - times[j])**2)**0.5 Returns: 2d numpy.array Adjacency matrix Usage: A = __getAdjacencyMatrixOfVisibilityGraph(data, times) """ dimension = len(data) V = (np.subtract.outer(data, data))/(np.subtract.outer(times, times) + np.identity(dimension)) A = np.zeros((dimension,dimension)) for i in range(dimension): if i<dimension-1: if weight == 'time': A[i, i+1] = A[i+1, i] = abs(times[i] - times[i+1]) elif weight == 'tan': A[i, i+1] = A[i+1, i] = abs((data[i] - data[i+1])/(times[i] - times[i+1])) + 10**(-8) elif weight == 'distance': A[i, i+1] = A[i+1, i] = ((data[i] - data[i+1])**2 + (times[i] - times[i+1])**2)**0.5 else: A[i, i+1] = A[i+1, i] = 1 for j in range(i + 2, dimension): if np.max(V[i+1:j,i]) < V[j,i]: if weight == 'time': A[i,j] = A[j,i] = abs(times[i] - times[j]) elif weight == 'tan': A[i, j] = A[j, i] = abs((data[i] - data[j])/(times[i] - times[j])) + 10**(-8) elif weight == 'distance': A[i, j] = A[j, i] = ((data[i] - data[j])**2 + (times[i] - times[j])**2)**0.5 else: A[i, j] = A[j, i] = 1 return A def __getAdjacencyMatrixOfVisibilityGraph_dual(data, times, weight=None, withsign=False): """Calculate adjacency matrix of dual perspective natural visibility graph. Parameters: data: 2d numpy.array Data to process times: 1d numpy.array Times corresponding to provided data points weight: str, Default None Type of normalization: None: no weighted 'time': weight = abs(times[i] - times[j]) 'tan': weight = abs((data[i] - data[j])/(times[i] - times[j])) + 10**(-8) 'distance': weight = A[i, j] = A[j, i] = ((data[i] - data[j])**2 + (times[i] - times[j])**2)**0.5 withsign: boolean, Default False Whether to return the sign of adjacency matrix, the link from normal perspective VG is positive, the link from reflected perspective VG is negative Returns: 2d numpy.array Adjacency matrix Usage: A = __getAdjacencyMatrixOfVisibilityGraph_dual(data, times) """ A_posi = np.asmatrix(__getAdjacencyMatrixOfVisibilityGraph(data, times, weight=weight)) A_nega = np.asmatrix(__getAdjacencyMatrixOfVisibilityGraph(-data, times, weight=weight)) if min(data)<0: A_dual = np.where(A_posi >= A_nega, A_posi, -A_nega) else: A_dual = A_posi if withsign == True: A_dual = A_dual else: A_dual = abs(A_dual) return A_dual
    [docs]def communityDetectByPathLength(G, outputTimePoints=False, setSourceTarget=None, direction=None, cutoff=None): """Calculate community structure by shortest path length algorithm. Parameters: G: networkx.Graph Graph of networkx type outputTimePoints:boolean, default False Whether to output timepoints for communities or indices setSourceTarget:list, default None List for nodes to consider to use when finding weighted shortest path. First element used for source (starting node), and last for target (ending node) direction:str, default None The direction that nodes aggregate to communities: None: no specific direction, e.g. both sides. 'left': nodes can only aggregate to the left side hubs, e.g. early hubs 'right': nodes can only aggregate to the right side hubs, e.g. later hubs cutoff: int, float or str, Default None Cutoff is used to combine initial communities, e.g. whenever the shortest path length of two adjacent hub nodes is smaller than cutoff, the communities with the two hub nodes will be combined: int or float: the percentile of all shortest path length distribution, between 0 ~ 100 'auto': use optimized cutoff None: no cutoff Returns: list of list Detected communities in the form of nested list. Usage: c = communityDetectByPathLength(G) """ if direction not in ['left', 'right', None]: print('Unknown direction type: %s, adjust direction to None'%(direction)) direction = None else: print('direction type is: %s' %(direction)) PL_dict = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(G)) # get shortest path length value_PL_list = [] Nodes_PL_dict = list(PL_dict.keys()) for node1 in range(len(PL_dict)): pl_node1 = PL_dict[Nodes_PL_dict[node1]] for node2 in range((node1+1), len(PL_dict)): value_PL_list.append(pl_node1[Nodes_PL_dict[node2]]) # get all path length value list nodelist = list(G.nodes) nodelist.sort() if setSourceTarget != None: PL_node0_node_end = nx.dijkstra_path(G, setSourceTarget[0], setSourceTarget[-1]) else: PL_node0_node_end = nx.dijkstra_path(G, nodelist[0], nodelist[-1]) #get path length from start to end time point community = {} sort_spl = PL_node0_node_end[:] sort_spl.sort() nodes_list = list(set(G.nodes) - set(PL_node0_node_end)) print('the shortest path is:', sort_spl) #build community choose core as the nodes on the shortest path #from start time point to end time point for pl_node in sort_spl: community[pl_node] = [pl_node] #add nodes to community if the path length from nodes to core shorter than cutoff for node in nodes_list: if direction == 'left': temp_spl = [i for i in sort_spl if i < node] elif direction == 'right': temp_spl = [i for i in sort_spl if i > node] else: temp_spl = sort_spl pl_to = {key:PL_dict[node][key] for key in temp_spl} pl_to_value = list(set(pl_to.values())) if 0 in pl_to_value: shortest_pl = min(pl_to_value.remove(0)) else: shortest_pl = min(pl_to_value) c_key = [] for k, v in pl_to.items(): if v == shortest_pl: c_key.append(k) c_id = min(c_key) community[c_id].append(node) #merge communities if the path length between the cores shorter then cutoff if type(cutoff) == int or type(cutoff) == float: if 0.0 <= cutoff and cutoff <= 100.0: cut = np.percentile(value_PL_list,cutoff) print('current percentiles cutoff is:', cutoff) else: cut = None print('Cutoff %f is out of range, adjust cutoff to None'%(cutoff)) elif cutoff == 'auto': cut = __optimize_cutoff(PL_dict, value_PL_list, sort_spl) if max(value_PL_list) != min(value_PL_list): percentiles = (cut - min(value_PL_list)) / (max(value_PL_list) - min(value_PL_list)) * 100 else: percentiles = 0 print('current cutoff is auto, the optimized percentiles cutoff is %f ' %(percentiles)) elif cutoff is None: cut = None print('current cutoff is None') else: cut = None print('Unknown cutoff type: %s, adjust cutoff to None'%(cutoff)) if cut is not None: sort_spl_backup = sort_spl[:] while len(sort_spl) > 1: A = sort_spl[0] for B in sort_spl[1:]: if PL_dict[A][B] <= cut: community[A].extend(community[B]) sort_spl_backup.remove(B) del community[B] sort_spl_backup.remove(A) sort_spl = sort_spl_backup[:] c = list(community.values()) if outputTimePoints: timepoint=nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'timepoint') c_prime = [] for ls in c: c_prime.append([timepoint[key] for key in ls]) c = c_prime for row in c: row.sort() return c
    def __optimize_cutoff(PL_dict, value_PL_list, sort_spl): """Calculate the optimized cutoff, which will be used to combine initial communities. This function is used internally only. """ L = len(sort_spl) plvalue = [min(value_PL_list)] for i in range (0,L-1): n1 = sort_spl[i] n2 = sort_spl[i+1] plvalue.append(PL_dict[n1][n2]) plvalue.append(max(value_PL_list)) plvalue.sort() plv_diff = [j-i for i, j in zip(plvalue[:-1], plvalue[1:])] index = plv_diff.index(max(plv_diff)) plv_diff_copy = plv_diff[:] tcut = plvalue[index] while tcut > np.percentile(value_PL_list,50) and len(plv_diff)>1: plv_diff.pop() index = plv_diff_copy.index(max(plv_diff)) tcut = plvalue[index] if tcut <= np.percentile(value_PL_list,50): cut = tcut else: cut = None return cut