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  • Source code for pyiomica.visualizationFunctions

    '''Visualization functions'''
    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import matplotlib.patheffects as path_effects
    import matplotlib.patches
    import matplotlib.collections
    from matplotlib import cm
    import numpy as np
    from .globalVariables import *
    from . import (visibilityGraphAuxiliaryFunctions,
    [docs]def saveFigure(fig, saveDir, label, extension, dpi, close=True): """Function primarily used internally to save and close figures Parameters: saveDir: str Path of directories to save the object to extension: str, Default '.png' Path of directories to save the object to dpi: int, Default 300 Figure resolution if rasterized close: boolean: Default True Whether to close the figure after saving Returns: None Usage: saveFigure(fig, saveDir, label, extension, dpi) """ utilityFunctions.createDirectories(saveDir) try: if not extension[0]=='.': extension = ''.join(['.', extension]) except Exception as exception: print(exception) print('Chack figure extension/format') if extension in ['.png', '.jpeg', '.tiff']: fig.savefig(os.path.join(saveDir, label + extension), dpi=dpi) elif extension in ['.svg', '.eps', '.pdf']: fig.savefig(os.path.join(saveDir, label + extension)) else: print('Unsupported format. Figure not saved') plt.close(fig) return None
    [docs]def makeDataHistograms(df, saveDir, dataName, figsize=(8,8), range_min=np.min, range_max=np.max, includeTitle=True, title='Data @ timePoint:', fontsize=8, fontcolor='b', N_bins=100, color='b', extension='.png', dpi=300): """Make a histogram for each Series (time point) in a Dataframe. Parameters: df: pandas.DataFrame Data to visualize saveDir: str Path of directories to save the object to dataName: str Label to include in the file name figsize: tuple, Default (8,8) Size of the figure in inches range_min: str, Default How to determine data minimum range_max: int, float or function, Default How to determine data maximum includeTitle: boolean, Default True Path of directories to save the object to title: str, Default 'Data @ timePoint:' Text of the title fontsize: str, Default 8 Fontsize of the labels fontcolor: str, Default 'b' Color of the title font N_bins: int, Default 100 Number of bins in the histogram color: str, Default 'b' Color of the bars extension: str, Default '.png' Path of directories to save the object to dpi: int, Default 300 Figure resolution if rasterized Returns: None Usage: makeDataHistograms(df, '/dir1', 'myData') """ if not os.path.exists(saveDir): os.makedirs(saveDir) for timePoint in df.columns[:]: label = str(timePoint) subset = df[timePoint] subset = subset[~np.isnan(subset.values)].values if type(range_min) is types.FunctionType: range_min = range_min(subset) if type(range_max) is types.FunctionType: range_max = range_max(subset) hist_of_subset = scipy.stats.rv_histogram(np.histogram(subset, bins=N_bins, range=(range_min,range_max))) hist_data = hist_of_subset._hpdf / N_bins hist_bins = hist_of_subset._hbins fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) bar_bin_width = range_max / N_bins ax.bar(hist_bins, hist_data[:-1], width=0.9 * bar_bin_width, color=color, align='center') if includeTitle: ax.set_title(title + label, fontdict={'color': fontcolor}) ax.set_xlabel('Values', fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel('Density', fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlim(range_min - 0.5 * bar_bin_width, range_max + 0.5 * bar_bin_width) fig.tight_layout() saveFigure(fig, saveDir, dataName + '_' + label + '_histogram', extension, dpi) return None
    [docs]def makeLombScarglePeriodograms(df, saveDir, dataName, minNumberOfNonzeroPoints=5, oversamplingRate=100, figsize=(5,5), title1='TimeSeries Data', title2='Lomb-Scargle periodogram' , extension='.png', dpi=300): """Make a combined plot of the signal and its Lomb-Scargle periodogram for each pandas Series (time point) in a Dataframe. Parameters: df: pandas.DataFrame Data to visualize saveDir: str Path of directories to save the object to dataName: str Label to include in the file name minNumberOfNonzeroPoints: int, Default 5 Minimum number of non-zero points in signal to use it oversamplingRate: int, Default 100 Periodogram oversampling rate figsize: tuple, Default (8,8) Size of the figure in inches title1: str, Default 'TimeSeries Data' Text of the upper title title2: str, Default 'Lomb-Scargle periodogram' Text of the lower title extension: str, Default '.png' Path of directories to save the object to dpi: int, Default 300 Figure resolution if rasterized Returns: None Usage: makeLombScarglePeriodograms(df, '/dir1', 'myData') """ if not os.path.exists(saveDir): os.makedirs(saveDir) for geneIndex in range(len(df.index[:])): geneName = df.index[geneIndex].replace(':', '_') subset = df.iloc[geneIndex] subset = subset[subset > 0.] setTimes, setValues, inputSetTimes = subset.index.values, subset.values, df.columns.values if len(subset) < minNumberOfNonzeroPoints: print(geneName, ' skipped (only %s non-zero point%s), ' % (len(subset), 's' if len(subset) != 1 else ''), end=' ', flush=True) continue pgram = coreFunctions.LombScargle(setTimes, setValues, inputSetTimes, OversamplingRate=oversamplingRate) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=figsize) ax1.plot(setTimes, setValues, 'bo', linewidth=3, markersize=5, markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=2) zero_points = np.array(list(set(inputSetTimes) - set(setTimes))) ax1.plot(zero_points, np.zeros((len(zero_points),)), 'ro', linewidth=3, markersize=3, markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=0) ax1.set_aspect('auto') minTime = np.min(inputSetTimes) maxTime = np.max(inputSetTimes) extraTime = (maxTime - minTime) / 10 ax1.set_xlim(minTime - extraTime, maxTime + extraTime) ax1.set_title(title1) ax2.plot(2 * np.pi * pgram[0], pgram[1], 'r-', linewidth=1) ax2.set_aspect('auto') ax2.set_title(title2) fig.tight_layout() saveFigure(fig, saveDir, dataName + '_' + geneName + '_Lomb_Scargle_periodogram', extension, dpi) return None
    [docs]def addVisibilityGraph(data, times, dataName='G1S1', coords=[0.05,0.95,0.05,0.95], numberOfVGs=1, groups_ac_colors=['b'], fig=None, numberOfCommunities=6, printCommunities=False, fontsize=None, nodesize=None, level=0.55, commLineWidth=0.5, lineWidth=1.0, withLabel=True, withTitle=False, layout='circle', radius=0.07, noplot=False, horizontal=False, communities=None, minNumberOfCommunities=2, communitiesMethod='betweenness_centrality', direction='left', weight='distance'): """Draw a Visibility graph of data on a provided Matplotlib figure. We represent each timepoint in a series as a node. Temporal events are detected and indicated with solid blue lines encompassing groups of points, or communities. The shortest path identifies nodes (i.e. timepoints) that display high intensity, and thus dominate the global signal profile, are robust to noise, and are likely drivers of the global temporal behavior. Parameters: data: 2d numpy.array Array of data to visualize times: 1d numpy.array Times corresponding to each data point, used for labels dataName: str, Default 'G1S1' label to include in file name coords: list, Default [0.05,0.95,0.05,0.95] Coordinates of location of the plot on the figure numberOfVGs: int, Default 1 Number of plots to add to this figure groups_ac_colors: list, Default ['b'] Colors corresponding to different groups of graphs fig: matplotlib.figure, Default None Figure object numberOfCommunities: int, Default 6 Number of communities printCommunities: boolean, Default False Whether to print communities details to screen fontsize: float, Default None Size of labels nodesize: float, Default None Size of nodes level: float, Default 0.55 Distance of the community lines to nodes commLineWidth: float, Default 0.5 Width of the community lines lineWidth: float, Default 1.0 Width of the edges between nodes withLabel: boolean, Default True Whether to include label on plot withTitle: boolean, Default False Whether to include title on plot layout: str, Default 'circle' Type of the layout. Other option is 'line' radius: float, Default 0.07 Radius of the circle noplot: boolean, Default False Whether to make a plot or only calculate communities horizontal: boolean, Default False Whether to use horizontal or natural visibility graph. communities: tuple, Default None A tuple containing communities sturcture of network, and networkx Graph: List of list, e.g. [[],[],...] networkx.Graph minNumberOfCommunities: int, Default 2 Number of communities to find depends on the number of splits. This parameter is ignored in methods that automatically estimate optimal number of communities. communitiesMethod: str, Default 'betweenness_centrality' String defining the method to use for communitiy detection: 'Girvan_Newman': edge betweenness centrality based approach 'betweenness_centrality': reflected graph node betweenness centrality based approach 'WDPVG': weighted dual perspective visibility graph method (note to also set weight variable) direction:str, default 'left' The direction that nodes aggregate to communities: None: no specific direction, e.g. both sides. 'left': nodes can only aggregate to the left side hubs, e.g. early hubs 'right': nodes can only aggregate to the right side hubs, e.g. later hubs weight: str, Default 'distance' Type of weight for communitiesMethod='WDPVG': None: no weighted 'time': weight = abs(times[i] - times[j]) 'tan': weight = abs((data[i] - data[j])/(times[i] - times[j])) + 10**(-8) 'distance': weight = A[i, j] = A[j, i] = ((data[i] - data[j])**2 + (times[i] - times[j])**2)**0.5 Returns: tuple (graph_nx, data, communities) Usage: addVisibilityGraph(exampleData, exampleTimes, fig=fig, fontsize=16, nodesize=700, level=0.85, commLineWidth=3.0, lineWidth=2.0, withLabel=False) """ if len(data.shape)>1: data = extendedDataFrame.DataFrame(data=data).imputeMissingWithMedian().apply(lambda data: np.sum(data[data > 0.0]) / len(data), axis=0).values if communities is None: communities, graph_nx = clusteringFunctions.getCommunitiesOfTimeSeries(data, times, minNumberOfCommunities=minNumberOfCommunities, horizontal=horizontal, method=communitiesMethod, direction=direction, weight=weight) else: communities, graph_nx = communities if printCommunities: print('Communities:') [print(community) for community in communities] print('\n') if noplot: return graph_nx, data, communities group = int(dataName[:dataName.find('S')].strip('G')) if fontsize is None: fontsize = 4. * (8. + 5.) / (numberOfVGs + 5.) if nodesize is None: nodesize = 30. * (8. + 5.) / (numberOfVGs + 5.) (x1,x2,y1,y2) = coords axisVG = fig.add_axes([x1,y1,x2 - x1,y2 - y1]) cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('GR', [(0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0)], N=1000) if layout=='line': pos = {i:[float(i)/float(len(graph_nx)), 0.5] for i in range(len(graph_nx))} else: pos = nx.circular_layout(graph_nx) keys = np.array(list(pos.keys())[::-1]) values = np.array(list(pos.values())) values = (values - np.min(values, axis=0))/(np.max(values, axis=0)-np.min(values, axis=0)) keys = np.roll(keys, np.argmax(values.T[1]) - np.argmin(keys)) pos = dict(zip(keys, values)) keys = np.array(list(pos.keys())) values = np.array(list(pos.values())) shortest_path = nx.shortest_path(graph_nx, source=min(keys), target=max(keys)) shortest_path_edges = [(shortest_path[i],shortest_path[i + 1]) for i in range(len(shortest_path) - 1)] if layout=='line': for edge in graph_nx.edges: l = np.array(pos[edge[0]]) r = np.array(pos[edge[1]]) if edge in shortest_path_edges: axisVG.add_artist(matplotlib.patches.Wedge((l+r)/2., 0.5*np.sqrt((l-r)[0]*(l-r)[0]+(l-r)[1]*(l-r)[1]), 0, 180, fill=False, edgecolor='y', linewidth=0.5*3.*lineWidth, alpha=0.7, width=0.001)) axisVG.add_artist(matplotlib.patches.Wedge((l+r)/2., 0.5*np.sqrt((l-r)[0]*(l-r)[0]+(l-r)[1]*(l-r)[1]), 0, 180, fill=False, edgecolor='k', linewidth=0.5*lineWidth, alpha=0.7, width=0.001)) nx.draw_networkx(graph_nx, pos=pos, ax=axisVG, node_color='y', edge_color='y', node_size=nodesize * 1.7, width=0., nodelist=shortest_path, edgelist=shortest_path_edges, with_labels=False) nx.draw_networkx(graph_nx, pos=pos, ax=axisVG, node_color=data, cmap=cmap, alpha=1.0, font_size=fontsize, width=0., font_color='k', node_size=nodesize) else: nx.draw_networkx(graph_nx, pos=pos, ax=axisVG, node_color='y', edge_color='y', node_size=nodesize * 1.7, width=3.0*lineWidth, nodelist=shortest_path, edgelist=shortest_path_edges, with_labels=False) nx.draw_networkx(graph_nx, pos=pos, ax=axisVG, node_color=data, cmap=cmap, alpha=1.0, font_size=fontsize, width=lineWidth, font_color='k', node_size=nodesize) if layout=='line': xmin, xmax = (-1.,1.) ymin, ymax = (-1.,1.) else: xmin, xmax = axisVG.get_xlim() ymin, ymax = axisVG.get_ylim() X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(xmin, xmax, (xmax - xmin) / 300.), np.arange(ymin, ymax, (ymax - ymin) / 300.)) def smooth(Z, N=7.): for ix in range(1,Z.shape[0]-1,1): Z[ix] = ((N-1.)*Z[ix] + (Z[ix-1] + Z[ix+1])/2.)/N return Z for icommunity, community in enumerate(communities): Z = np.exp(X ** 2 - Y ** 2) * 0. nX, nY = tuple(np.array([pos[node] for node in community]).T) for i in range(len(community)-1): p1, p2 = np.array([nX[i], nY[i]]), np.array([nX[i+1], nY[i+1]]) for j in range(-2, 32): pm = p1 + (p2-p1)*float(j)/30. Z[np.where((X-pm[0])**2+(Y-pm[1])**2<=radius**2)] = 1. for _ in range(20): Z = smooth(smooth(Z).T).T CS = axisVG.contour(X, Y, Z, [level], linewidths=commLineWidth, alpha=0.8, colors=groups_ac_colors[group - 1]) #axisVG.clabel(CS, inline=True,fontsize=4,colors=group_colors[group-1], fmt ={level:'C%s'%icommunity}) if layout=='line': axisVG.set_xlim(-0.1,1.) axisVG.set_ylim(-0.1,1.) axisVG.spines['left'].set_visible(False) axisVG.spines['right'].set_visible(False) axisVG.spines['top'].set_visible(False) axisVG.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) axisVG.set_xticklabels([]) axisVG.set_yticklabels([]) axisVG.set_xticks([]) axisVG.set_yticks([]) if withLabel: axisVG.text(axisVG.get_xlim()[1], (axisVG.get_ylim()[1] + axisVG.get_ylim()[0]) * 0.5, dataName, ha='left', va='center', fontsize=8).set_path_effects([path_effects.Stroke(linewidth=0.4, foreground=groups_ac_colors[group - 1]),path_effects.Normal()]) if withTitle: titleText = dataName + ' (size: ' + str(data.shape[0]) + ')' + ' min=%s max=%s' % (np.round(min(data),2), np.round(max(data),2)) axisVG.set_title(titleText, fontsize=10) return graph_nx, data, communities
    [docs]def makeVisibilityGraph(intensities, positions, saveDir, fileName, communities=None, minNumberOfCommunities=2, communitiesMethod='betweenness_centrality', direction='left', weight='distance', printCommunities=False,fontsize=16, nodesize=500, level=0.5, commLineWidth=3.0, lineWidth=2.0, layout='circle', horizontal=False, radius=0.03, figsize=(10,10), addColorbar=True, colorbarAxisCoordinates=[0.90,0.7,0.02,0.2], colorbarLabelsize=12, colorbarPrecision=2, extension='png', dpi=300): '''Make either horizontal or normal visibility graph of a time series using function addVisibilityGraph. We represent each timepoint in a series as a node. Temporal events are detected and indicated with solid blue lines encompassing groups of points, or communities. The shortest path identifies nodes (i.e. timepoints) that display high intensity, and thus dominate the global signal profile, are robust to noise, and are likely drivers of the global temporal behavior. Parameters: intensities: Data to plot positions: Time points corresponding to data saveDir: str Path of directories to save the object to fileName: str Label to include in the file name horizontal: boolean, Default False Whether to use horizontal or natural visibility graph. Note that if communitiesMethod 'WDPVG' is set, this setting has no effect. communities: tuple, Default None A tuple containing communities sturcture of network, and networkx Graph: List of list, e.g. [[],[],...] networkx.Graph minNumberOfCommunities: int, Default 2 Number of communities to find depends on the number of splits. This parameter is ignored in methods that automatically estimate optimal number of communities. communitiesMethod: str, Default 'betweenness_centrality' String defining the method to use for communitiy detection: 'Girvan_Newman': edge betweenness centrality based approach 'betweenness_centrality': reflected graph node betweenness centrality based approach 'WDPVG': weighted dual perspective visibility graph method (note to also set weight variable) direction:str, default 'left' The direction that nodes aggregate to communities: None: no specific direction, e.g. both sides. 'left': nodes can only aggregate to the left side hubs, e.g. early hubs 'right': nodes can only aggregate to the right side hubs, e.g. later hubs weight: str, Default 'distance' Type of weight for communitiesMethod='WDPVG': None: no weighted 'time': weight = abs(times[i] - times[j]) 'tan': weight = abs((data[i] - data[j])/(times[i] - times[j])) + 10**(-8) 'distance': weight = A[i, j] = A[j, i] = ((data[i] - data[j])**2 + (times[i] - times[j])**2)**0.5 printCommunities: boolean, Default False Whether to print communities details to screen fontsize: float, Default 16 Labels fontsize nodesize: int, Default 500 Node size level: float, Default 0.5 Level commLineWidth: float, Default 3.0 Communities lines width lineWidth: float, Default 2.0 Edge lines width layout: str, Default 'circle' Type of layout, 'circle' or 'line' horizontal: boolean, Default False Whether to make horizontal of normal visibility graph radius: float, Default 0.03 Rounding of the lines figsize: tuple, Default (10,10) Figure size in inches addColorbar: boolean, Default True Whether to add colorbar colorbarAxisCoordinates: list, Default [0.90,0.7,0.02,0.2] colorbar axis coordinates colorbarLabelsize: float, Default 12 Colorbar labels size colorbarPrecision: int, Default 2 colorbar labels rounding extension: str, Default '.png' Figure extension dpi: int, Default 300 Figure resolution Returns: None Usage: makeVisibilityGraph(data, times, 'dir1/', 'myData') ''' fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) addVisibilityGraph(intensities, positions, fig=fig, fontsize=fontsize, nodesize=nodesize, level=level, commLineWidth=commLineWidth, lineWidth=lineWidth, withLabel=False, layout=layout, printCommunities=printCommunities, radius=radius, horizontal=horizontal,communities=communities, minNumberOfCommunities=minNumberOfCommunities, communitiesMethod=communitiesMethod, direction=direction, weight=weight) addColorbarToFigure(fig, intensities, axisCoordinates=colorbarAxisCoordinates, labelsize=colorbarLabelsize, precision=colorbarPrecision) saveFigure(fig, saveDir, ('horizontal_' if horizontal else 'normal_') + fileName, extension, dpi) return
    [docs]def makeVisibilityBarGraph(data, times, saveDir, fileName, AdjacencyMatrix=None, horizontal=False, barWidth=0.2, dotColor='b', barColor='r', arrowColor='k', id='', extension='.png', figsize=(8,4), dpi=300): """Bar-plot style visibility graph. Representing the intensities as bars, this is equivalent to connecting the top of each bar to another top if there is a direct line-of-sight to that top. The resulting visibility graph has characteristics that reflect the equivalent time series temporal structure and can be used to identify trends. Parameters: data: 2d numpy.array Numpy array of floats times: 2d numpy.array Numpy array of floats fileName: str Path where to save the figure file fileName: str Name of the figure file to save AdjacencyMatrix: 2d numpy.array, Default None Adjacency matrix of network horizontal: boolean, default False Horizontal or normal visibility graph barWidth: float, default 0.2 Horizontal or normal visibility graph dotColor: str, default 'b' Color of the data points barColor: str, default 'r' Color of the bars arrowColor: str, default 'k' Color of lines id: str or int, default '' Label to add to the figure title extension: str, Default '.png' Figure format figsize: tuple of int, Default (8,4) Figure size in inches dpi: int, Default 300 Figure resolution Returns: None Usage: makeVisibilityBarGraph(A, data, times, 'my_figure') """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) if AdjacencyMatrix is None: if horizontal: A = visibilityGraphAuxiliaryFunctions.getAdjacencyMatrixOfHVG(data) else: A = visibilityGraphAuxiliaryFunctions.getAdjacencyMatrixOfNVG(data, times) else: A = AdjacencyMatrix ax.bar(times, data, width=barWidth, color=barColor, align='center', zorder=-np.inf) ax.scatter(times, data, color=dotColor) for i in range(A.shape[0]): for j in range(A.shape[1]): if i>j and A[i,j] == 1: if horizontal: level1 = level2 = np.min([data[i],data[j]]) else: level1 = data[i] level2 = data[j] ax.annotate(text='', xy=(times[i],level1), xytext=(times[j],level2), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='<->', shrinkA=0, shrinkB=0, linestyle='--')) ax.set_title('%s Time Series'%(id), fontdict={'color': arrowColor}) ax.set_xlabel('Times', fontsize=8) ax.set_ylabel('Signal intensity', fontsize=8) ax.set_xticks(times) ax.set_xticklabels(times, fontsize=10, rotation=90) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(True) fig.tight_layout() saveFigure(fig, saveDir, ('horizontal_' if horizontal else 'normal_') + fileName, extension, dpi) return None
    [docs]def makePlotOfPeak(data_all, scores, selected_peak, selected_peak_value, plotID): '''Plot peaks. Function used internally during certain data processing steps''' fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(data_all.T[0], data_all.T[1], 'g', lw=3) ax.plot(scores.T[0], scores.T[1], 'ro', ms=5) ax.plot(selected_peak, selected_peak_value, 'bo', alpha=0.5, ms=10) # saveFigure(fig, saveDir, 'spline_%s' % ('' if plotID == None else str(plotID)), extension, dpi) return
    [docs]def addColorbarToFigure(fig, data, axisCoordinates=[0.90,0.7,0.02,0.2], cmap=None, norm=None, labelsize=12, precision=2): '''Add colorbar to figure Parameters: fig: matplotlib.figure Data to plot cmap: matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap, Default None Colormap to use norm: matplotlib.colors.Normalize, Default None Colormap normalization axisCoordinates: list, Default [0.90,0.7,0.02,0.2] colorbar axis coordinates labelsize: float, Default 12 Colorbar labels size precision: int, Default 2 Colorbar labels rounding Returns: None Usage: addColorbarToFigure(fig, data) ''' data = np.array(data) dataMin = np.min(data) dataMax = np.max(data) axisColor = fig.add_axes(axisCoordinates) if cmap is None: cmap=matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('GR', [(0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0)], N=100) if norm is None: norm=matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=dataMin, vmax=dataMax) mapp=cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap) mapp.set_array(data) fig.colorbar(mapp, cax=axisColor, ticks=[dataMax,dataMin]) axisColor.tick_params(labelsize=labelsize) axisColor.set_yticklabels([np.round(dataMax,precision), np.round(dataMin,precision)]) return
    [docs]def makeDendrogramHeatmapOfClusteringObject(ClusteringObject, saveDir, dataName, AutocorrNotPeriodogr=True, textScale=1.0, figsize=(12,8), extension='.png', dpi=300, xLabel='Time', plotLabel='Transformed Expression',horizontal=False, minNumberOfCommunities=2, communitiesMethod='WDPVG', direction='left', weight='distance'): """Make Dendrogram-Heatmap plot along with Visibility graphs. Parameters: ClusteringObject: Clustering object saveDir: str Path of directories to save the object to dataName: str Label to include in the file name AutocorrNotPeriodogr: boolean, Default True Whether to use autocorrelation method instead of periodograms textScale: float, Default 1.0 scaling of text size figsize: tuple, Default (12,8) Figure size in inches extension: str, Default '.png' Figure format extension dpi: int, Default 300 Figure resolution xLabel: str, Default 'Time' Label for the x axis in the heatmap plotLabel: str, Default 'Transformed Expression' Label for the heatmap plot horizontal: boolean, Default False Whether to use horizontal or natural visibility graph. Note that if communitiesMethod 'WDPVG' is set, this setting has no effect. minNumberOfCommunities: int, Default 2 Number of communities to find depends on the number of splits. This parameter is ignored in methods that automatically estimate optimal number of communities. communitiesMethod: str, Default 'WDPVG' String defining the method to use for communitiy detection: 'Girvan_Newman': edge betweenness centrality based approach 'betweenness_centrality': reflected graph node betweenness centrality based approach 'WDPVG': weighted dual perspective visibility graph method (note to also set weight variable) direction:str, default 'left' The direction that nodes aggregate to communities: None: no specific direction, e.g. both sides. 'left': nodes can only aggregate to the left side hubs, e.g. early hubs 'right': nodes can only aggregate to the right side hubs, e.g. later hubs weight: str, Default 'distance' Type of weight for communitiesMethod='WDPVG': None: no weighted 'time': weight = abs(times[i] - times[j]) 'tan': weight = abs((data[i] - data[j])/(times[i] - times[j])) + 10**(-8) 'distance': weight = A[i, j] = A[j, i] = ((data[i] - data[j])**2 + (times[i] - times[j])**2)**0.5 Returns: None Usage: makeDendrogramHeatmap(myObj, '/dir1', 'myData', AutocorrNotPeriodogr=True) """ def addAutocorrelationDendrogramAndHeatmap(ClusteringObject, groupColors, fig, AutocorrNotPeriodogr=AutocorrNotPeriodogr): axisDendro = fig.add_axes([0.68,0.1,0.17,0.8], frame_on=False) n_clusters = len(ClusteringObject.keys()) - 1 hierarchy.set_link_color_palette(groupColors[:n_clusters]) #gist_ncar #nipy_spectral #hsv origLineWidth = matplotlib.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] matplotlib.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 0.5 Y_ac = ClusteringObject['linkage'] Z_ac = hierarchy.dendrogram(Y_ac, orientation='left',color_threshold=Y_ac[-n_clusters + 1][2]) hierarchy.set_link_color_palette(None) matplotlib.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = origLineWidth axisDendro.set_xticks([]) axisDendro.set_yticks([]) posA = ((axisDendro.get_xlim()[0] if n_clusters == 1 else Y_ac[-n_clusters + 1][2]) + Y_ac[-n_clusters][2]) / 2 axisDendro.plot([posA, posA], [axisDendro.get_ylim()[0], axisDendro.get_ylim()[1]], 'k--', linewidth = 1) clusters = [] order = [] tempData = None for group in sorted([item for item in list(ClusteringObject.keys()) if not item=='linkage']): for subgroup in sorted([item for item in list(ClusteringObject[group].keys()) if not item=='linkage']): subgroupData = ClusteringObject[group][subgroup]['dataAutocorr'].values tempData = subgroupData if tempData is None else np.vstack((tempData, subgroupData)) clusters.extend([group for _ in range(subgroupData.shape[0])]) order.extend(ClusteringObject[group][subgroup]['order']) tempData = tempData[np.argsort(order),:][Z_ac['leaves'],:].T[1:].T clusters = np.array(clusters) cluster_line_positions = np.where(clusters - np.roll(clusters,1) != 0)[0] for i in range(n_clusters - 1): posB = cluster_line_positions[i + 1] * (axisDendro.get_ylim()[1] / len(Z_ac['leaves'])) - 5. * 0 axisDendro.plot([posA, axisDendro.get_xlim()[1]], [posB, posB], '--', color='black', linewidth = 1.0) axisDendro.plot([posA, axisDendro.get_xlim()[1]], [0., 0.], '--', color='k', linewidth = 1.0) axisDendro.plot([posA, axisDendro.get_xlim()[1]], [-0. + axisDendro.get_ylim()[1], -0. + axisDendro.get_ylim()[1]], '--', color='k', linewidth = 1.0) axisMatrixAC = fig.add_axes([0.78 + 0.07,0.1,0.18 - 0.075,0.8]) imAC = axisMatrixAC.imshow(tempData, aspect='auto', vmin=np.min(tempData), vmax=np.max(tempData), origin='lower', cmap=plt.cm.bwr) for i in range(n_clusters - 1): axisMatrixAC.plot([-0.5, tempData.shape[1] - 0.5], [cluster_line_positions[i + 1] - 0.5, cluster_line_positions[i + 1] - 0.5], '--', color='black', linewidth = 1.0) axisMatrixAC.set_xticks([i for i in range(tempData.shape[1] - 1)]) axisMatrixAC.set_xticklabels([i + 1 for i in range(tempData.shape[1] - 1)], fontsize=6*textScale) axisMatrixAC.set_yticks([]) axisMatrixAC.set_xlabel('Lag' if AutocorrNotPeriodogr else 'Frequency', fontsize=axisMatrixAC.xaxis.label._fontproperties._size*textScale) axisMatrixAC.set_title('Autocorrelation' if AutocorrNotPeriodogr else 'Periodogram', fontsize=axisMatrixAC.title._fontproperties._size*textScale) axisColorAC = fig.add_axes([0.9 + 0.065,0.55,0.01,0.35]) axisColorAC.tick_params(labelsize=6*textScale) plt.colorbar(imAC, cax=axisColorAC, ticks=[np.round(np.min(tempData),2),np.round(np.max(tempData),2)]) return def addGroupDendrogramAndShowSubgroups(ClusteringObject, groupSize, bottom, top, group, groupColors, fig): Y = ClusteringObject[group]['linkage'] n_clusters = len(sorted([item for item in list(ClusteringObject[group].keys()) if not item=='linkage'])) print("Number of subgroups:", n_clusters) axisDendro = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, dx + 0.005, top - bottom], frame_on=False) hierarchy.set_link_color_palette([matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(rgb[:3]) for rgb in cm.nipy_spectral(np.linspace(0, 0.5, n_clusters + 1))]) #gist_ncar #nipy_spectral #hsv origLineWidth = matplotlib.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] matplotlib.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 0.5 Z = hierarchy.dendrogram(Y, orientation='left',color_threshold=Y[-n_clusters + 1][2]) hierarchy.set_link_color_palette(None) matplotlib.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = origLineWidth axisDendro.set_xticks([]) axisDendro.set_yticks([]) posA = axisDendro.get_xlim()[0]/2 if n_clusters == groupSize else (Y[-n_clusters + 1][2] + Y[-n_clusters][2])/2 axisDendro.plot([posA, posA], [axisDendro.get_ylim()[0], axisDendro.get_ylim()[1]], 'k--', linewidth = 1) clusters = [] for subgroup in sorted([item for item in list(ClusteringObject[group].keys()) if not item=='linkage']): clusters.extend([subgroup for _ in range(ClusteringObject[group][subgroup]['data'].values.shape[0])]) clusters = np.array(clusters) cluster_line_positions = np.where(clusters - np.roll(clusters,1) != 0)[0] for i in range(n_clusters - 1): posB = cluster_line_positions[i + 1] * (axisDendro.get_ylim()[1] / len(Z['leaves'])) - 5. * 0 axisDendro.plot([posA, axisDendro.get_xlim()[1]], [posB, posB], '--', color='black', linewidth = 1.0) axisDendro.plot([posA, axisDendro.get_xlim()[1]], [0., 0.], '--', color='k', linewidth = 1.0) axisDendro.plot([posA, axisDendro.get_xlim()[1]], [-0. + axisDendro.get_ylim()[1], -0. + axisDendro.get_ylim()[1]], '--', color='k', linewidth = 1.0) axisDendro.text(axisDendro.get_xlim()[0], 0.5 * axisDendro.get_ylim()[1], 'G%s:' % group + str(groupSize), fontsize=14*textScale).set_path_effects([path_effects.Stroke(linewidth=1, foreground=groupColors[group - 1]),path_effects.Normal()]) return n_clusters, clusters, cluster_line_positions def addGroupHeatmapAndColorbar(data_loc, n_clusters, clusters, cluster_line_positions, bottom, top, group, groupColors, fig,xLabel = 'Time',plotLabel = 'Transformed Expression'): axisMatrix = fig.add_axes([left + 0.205, bottom, dx + 0.025 + 0.075, top - bottom]) masked_array = np.ma.array(data_loc, mask=np.isnan(data_loc)) cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('GR', [(0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0)], N=1000) #plt.cm.prism #plt.cm.hsv_r #plt.cm.RdYlGn_r cmap.set_bad('grey') im = axisMatrix.imshow(masked_array, aspect='auto', origin='lower', vmin=np.min(data_loc[np.isnan(data_loc) == False]), vmax=np.max(data_loc[np.isnan(data_loc) == False]), cmap=cmap) for i in range(n_clusters - 1): posB = cluster_line_positions[i + 1] posBm = cluster_line_positions[i] axisMatrix.plot([-0.5, data_loc.shape[1] - 0.5], [posB - 0.5, posB - 0.5], '--', color='black', linewidth = 1.0) def add_label(pos, labelText): return axisMatrix.text(-1., pos, labelText, ha='right', va='center', fontsize=12.*textScale).set_path_effects([path_effects.Stroke(linewidth=0.4, foreground=groupColors[group - 1]),path_effects.Normal()]) order = clusters[np.sort(np.unique(clusters,return_index=True)[1])] - 1 for i in range(n_clusters - 1): if len(data_loc[clusters == i + 1]) >= 5.: try: add_label((cluster_line_positions[np.where(order == i)[0][0]] + cluster_line_positions[np.where(order == i)[0][0] + 1]) * 0.5, 'G%sS%s:%s' % (group,i + 1,len(data_loc[clusters == i + 1]))) except Exception as exception: print(exception) print('Label printing error!') if len(data_loc[clusters == n_clusters]) >= 5.: posC = axisMatrix.get_ylim()[0] if n_clusters == 1 else cluster_line_positions[n_clusters - 1] add_label((posC + axisMatrix.get_ylim()[1]) * 0.5, 'G%sS%s:%s' % (group,n_clusters,len(data_loc[clusters == n_clusters]))) axisMatrix.set_xticks([]) axisMatrix.set_yticks([]) times = ClusteringObject[group][subgroup]['data'].columns.values if group == 1: axisMatrix.set_xticks(range(data_loc.shape[1])) axisMatrix.set_xticklabels([('' if (i%2==1 and textScale>1.3) else np.int(time)) for i, time in enumerate(np.round(times,1))], rotation=0, fontsize=6*textScale) axisMatrix.set_xlabel(xLabel, fontsize=axisMatrix.xaxis.label._fontproperties._size*textScale) if group == sorted([item for item in list(ClusteringObject.keys()) if not item=='linkage'])[-1]: axisMatrix.set_title(plotLabel, fontsize=axisMatrix.title._fontproperties._size*textScale) axisColor = fig.add_axes([0.635 - 0.075 - 0.1 + 0.075,current_bottom + 0.01,0.01, max(0.01,(current_top - current_bottom) - 0.02)]) plt.colorbar(im, cax=axisColor, ticks=[np.max(im._A),np.min(im._A)]) axisColor.tick_params(labelsize=6*textScale) axisColor.set_yticklabels([np.round(np.max(im._A),2),np.round(np.min(im._A),2)]) return signalsInClusteringObject = 0 for group in sorted([item for item in list(ClusteringObject.keys()) if not item=='linkage']): for subgroup in sorted([item for item in list(ClusteringObject[group].keys()) if not item=='linkage']): signalsInClusteringObject += ClusteringObject[group][subgroup]['data'].shape[0] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) left = 0.02 bottom = 0.1 current_top = bottom dx = 0.2 dy = 0.8 groupColors = ['b','g','r','c','m','y','k'] [groupColors.extend(groupColors) for _ in range(10)] addAutocorrelationDendrogramAndHeatmap(ClusteringObject, groupColors, fig) for group in sorted([item for item in list(ClusteringObject.keys()) if not item=='linkage']): tempData = None for subgroup in sorted([item for item in list(ClusteringObject[group].keys()) if not item=='linkage']): subgroupData = ClusteringObject[group][subgroup]['data'].values tempData = subgroupData if tempData is None else np.vstack((tempData, subgroupData)) current_bottom = current_top current_top += dy * float(len(tempData)) / float(signalsInClusteringObject) if len(tempData)==1: n_clusters, clusters, cluster_line_positions = 1, np.array([]), np.array([]) else: n_clusters, clusters, cluster_line_positions = addGroupDendrogramAndShowSubgroups(ClusteringObject, len(tempData), current_bottom, current_top, group, groupColors, fig) addGroupHeatmapAndColorbar(tempData, n_clusters, clusters, cluster_line_positions, current_bottom, current_top, group, groupColors, fig,xLabel=xLabel,plotLabel=plotLabel) data_list = [] data_names_list = [] for group in sorted([item for item in list(ClusteringObject.keys()) if not item=='linkage']): for subgroup in sorted([item for item in list(ClusteringObject[group].keys()) if not item=='linkage']): if ClusteringObject[group][subgroup]['data'].shape[0] >= 5: data_list.append(ClusteringObject[group][subgroup]['data'].values) data_names_list.append('G%sS%s' % (group, subgroup)) times = ClusteringObject[group][subgroup]['data'].columns.values for indVG, (dataVG, dataNameVG) in enumerate(zip(data_list, data_names_list)): x_min = 0.57 x_max = 0.66 y_min = 0.1 y_max = 0.9 numberOfVGs = len(data_list) height = min((y_max - y_min) / numberOfVGs, (x_max - x_min) * (12. / 8.)) x_displacement = (x_max - x_min - height / 1.5) * 0.5 y_displacement = (y_max - y_min - numberOfVGs * height) / numberOfVGs coords = [x_min + x_displacement, x_min + x_displacement + height / (12. / 8.), y_min + indVG * height + (0.5 + indVG) * y_displacement, y_min + (indVG + 1) * height + (0.5 + indVG) * y_displacement] addVisibilityGraph(dataVG, times, dataNameVG, coords, numberOfVGs, groupColors, fig,horizontal=horizontal, minNumberOfCommunities=minNumberOfCommunities, communitiesMethod=communitiesMethod, direction=direction, weight=weight) saveFigure(fig, saveDir, dataName + '_DendrogramHeatmap', extension, dpi) return None
    [docs]def plotHVGBarGraphDual(A, data, times, fileName, title='', fontsize=8, barwidth=0.05, figsize=(8,4), dpi=600): """Bar-plot style horizontal visibility graph with different link colors for different perspectives Parameters: A: 2d numpy.array Adjacency matrix data: 2d numpy.array Data used to make the visibility graph times: 1d numpy.array Times corresponding to data points fileName: str Name of the figure file to save title: str, Default '' Label to add to the figure title figsize: tuple of int, Default (8,4) Figure size in inches dpi: int, 600 Resolution of the image barwidth: float, Default 0.05 The bar width fontsize:int, Default 8 The text font size Returns: None Usage: PlotHorizontalVisibilityGraph(A, data, times, 'Figure.png', 'Test Data') """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) ax.bar(times, data, width = barwidth, color='k', align='center', zorder=-np.inf) ax.scatter(times, data, color='k') for i in range(A.shape[0]): for j in range(A.shape[1]): if i>j and A[i,j] > 0: if data[i] > 0 and data[j] >0: level = np.min([data[i],data[j]]) elif data[i] < 0 and data[j] < 0: level = np.max([data[i],data[j]]) else: level = 0 ax.annotate(text='', xy=(times[i],level), xytext=(times[j],level), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', shrinkA=0, shrinkB=0,linestyle='--', color='r')) if i>j and A[i,j] < 0: if data[i] > 0 and data[j] >0: level = np.min([data[i],data[j]]) elif data[i] < 0 and data[j] < 0: level = np.max([data[i],data[j]]) else: level = 0 ax.annotate(text='', xy=(times[i],level), xytext=(times[j],level), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', shrinkA=0, shrinkB=0,linestyle='--', color='b')) ax.set_title('%s'%(id), fontdict={'color': 'k'},fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel('Times', fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel('Signal intensity', fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xticks(times) ax.set_xticklabels([str(item) for item in np.round(times,2)],fontsize=fontsize, rotation=0) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.axhline(y=0, color='k') ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(True) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(fileName, dpi=dpi) plt.close(fig) return None
    [docs]def plotNVGBarGraphDual(A, data, times, fileName, title='', fontsize=8, barwidth=0.05, figsize=(8,4), dpi=600): """Bar-plot style natural visibility graph with different link colors for different perspectives Parameters: A: 2d numpy.array Adjacency matrix data: 2d numpy.array Data used to make the visibility graph times: 1d numpy.array Times corresponding to data points fileName: str Name of the figure file to save title: str, Default '' Label to add to the figure title figsize: tuple of int, Default (8,4) Figure size in inches dpi: int, 600 Resolution of the image barwidth: float, Default 0.05 The bar width fontsize:int, Default 8 The text font size Returns: None Usage: PlotVisibilityGraph(A, data, times, 'FIgure.png', 'Test Data') """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) ax.bar(times, data, width = barwidth, color='k', align='center', zorder=-np.inf) ax.scatter(times, data, color='k') for i in range(A.shape[0]): for j in range(A.shape[1]): if i>j and A[i,j] > 0: ax.annotate(text='', xy=(times[i],data[i]), xytext=(times[j],data[j]), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', shrinkA=0, shrinkB=0,linestyle='--',color='r')) if i>j and A[i,j] < 0: ax.annotate(text='', xy=(times[i],data[i]), xytext=(times[j],data[j]), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', shrinkA=0, shrinkB=0,linestyle='--',color='b')) ax.set_title('%s'%(title), fontdict={'color': 'k'},fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel('Times', fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel('Signal intensity', fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xticks(times) ax.set_xticklabels([str(item) for item in np.round(times,2)],fontsize=fontsize, rotation=0) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.axhline(y=0, color='k') ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(True) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(fileName, dpi=dpi) plt.close(fig) return None